This is an endgame spec for geared hunters, this is not an optimal raid DPS spec this is a fun spec to get high on meters. Survival: Monster Slaying 3/3 – Damage (THIS WORKS DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE ELSE) Humanoid Slaying 3/3 – Damage (SAME AS BEFORE) ...
Perfect for Raid Leaders. Shadowed Unit Frames— A customizable unit frame add-on, similar to Pitbull (see the description above). It displays such information as incoming heals, auras, health bars, cast bars, power bars, portraits, indicators, and so on. You can also change from one ...
We are pleased to finally expand on our Raid Teams integration for guilds with multiple raid teams. This is something we've been working to add as part of our Recruitment improvements as this will allow teams to specify their own recruitment needs and show up in search results separately. How...
The problem for warriors is the removal of world buffs which make them considerably weaker, and Rogues and Enhancement shaman simply have a better toolkit for survival or raid buffs. Nah, even an extra 20% crit and 800 AP wouldn’t bring them up to the DPS of a BM Hunter. The problem...