Assassination Rogues have always been known as the go-to single-target DPS spec for the class, which remains true in Cataclysm. The class spec received a significant boost to damage with the rework of several of its key damage talents, further boosting its already stellar performance. The same...
Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents) Totems not as useful as before? This is a pretty common sentiment among shaman, but it's just not one we agree with. Elemental shaman having to give up their dps totem for a dps buff was a ...
So I went back to playing basically only my rogue (Wrath+) due to the over homogenization. Delmok-mankrik February 4, 2021, 9:21pm 41 The Holy Power change in Cata is what turned me off. Played ret in Legion and it was pretty good DPS wise but hated the playstyle....
Cata: The Cataclysm expansion CM: Community manager GG: Good game (often sarcastic) GJ: Good job (often sarcastic) Imba: Imbalanced; usually means "overpowered" IBTL: In before the lock L2P: Learn to play OP: Original post/original poster/over powered OT: Off-topic QFE: Quoted for excelle...
Mages, while good are not ~as~ good as Warlocks because of the way talents shake out. But can get 90% of the way there with some trinkets and mana mangment. Khlause-kurinnaxx September 24, 2020, 1:06am 17 Rentrina: How different are the classes when TBC comes? really not all th...
The balancing changes throughout vanilla made a difference, particularly the talents, but even if those were undone, the fact players would drop 200 Stamina for 150 more Spell Power would be unheard of back in vanilla. People wouldn’t chug potions on cooldown, let alone use Flasks of Distil...