TBC Shaman guide - The Resto shaman is an integral part of any healing team. The shaman’s chain heal ability is one of the strongest ...
80 Shaman ( equipped 625 ) | Spec: Restoration [ 1 Year Free Insurence ] LucyLesta Total orders: 781 Member since: 2015 4.9 (358) 24 Hours $ 599.00 BUY NOW 80 Paladin ( equipped 617 ) | Spec: Retribution | 71 Mounts | 7k Achiev [ 1 Year Free Insurence ] ...
WotLK ain't even tested yet as we wait in Cata for MoP to drop. Retail NameClassTypeDevStatus shaman Shaman test Used for testing lol WotLK NameClassTypeDevStatus N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Classic Era NameClassTypeDevStatus druid Druid SoD 25 ferib 🟢 Balance SoD hunter Hunter 🔴 ...
The spec is just designed differently than Mages are. There’s no single button that will fully solve your mana issues. Annabiotix: Without looking at the tooltips I think our max mana return is only 3% of our mana pool. It’s not enough. Shadow Word: Death - 10% Shadowfiend - 3% ...
Resto: Restoration talent tree Shammy: Shaman SoE: Strength of Earth totem SS: [Stormstrike] ToW: [Totem of Wrath] WF: [Windfury] (weapon or totem)WarlockAff/Afflic: Affliction talent tree Ban: [Banish] CoA: [Curse of Agony] CoD: [Curse of Doom] CoE: [Curse of the Elements] CoEx/...
Lveling en DruidJeg har 3 andre nivå 80 Toons men bestemte seg for å rulle en Druid. Da han hets til 80 han vil være viktigste spec som Resto og av spec som balanse (kanskje en tank) Min viktigste Toon er nå en sjaman healer og ganske godt rustet og i ICC til 9 av...
For example, in vanilla really all you want is a resto shaman or holy paladin, but in TBC you want Elemental, Retribution, Enhancement and Protection because they all provide value to the raid, and these two classes also are better in PVP than in vanilla because they have more player ...
So when the changes came down that helped the aff rotation I was happy again. I could keep my main, I could keep playing the spec I loved so much. Fast forward to last night and the 5.0.04 patch. I hopped online on Lyssi and first hit the trainer to change my off spec from aff...
Enhancement and Elemental Shaman I find to be a major PITA and all other specs I don't really have experience with outside of using them in same spec teams where I am playing the classes normally and not using macroed rotations. Windwalker Monks are incredibly powerful even at low gear ...
So while your dps might justify picking you over another player of a similar spec, it’s never going to justify picking you over someone who brings critical buffs/debuffs to the raid. Rogues easily out-damage Enhancement Shaman. But those Enhancement Shaman ‘slots’ in the raid aren’t ava...