Resto Druid Guide (1-60) Classic Druid Guide Rating: Talents Restoration Talents are not very complicated to handle, since there are not many possible variations. Basically, there are two possible builds for a Restoration Druid. Moonglow 5/0/46 This is the basic build for all beginners. ...
Which is kind of odd considering I hadn’t healed full time since Wrath. This was also the time in which resto druid healing was spamming wild growth and rejuv on any person taking any tiny amount of damage. Hell, I was still angry tree at that time. The most I had healed since then...
Druids were insanely powerful in Wrath. Amazing DPS if you could handle cat, one of the two strongest tanks…which carried all through Cata, and strong healers. Still there weren’t alot that played Feral for alot of the above listed reasons. Feral isn’t for everyone…especially in a mor...
TBC Shaman guide - The Resto shaman is an integral part of any healing team. The shaman’s chain heal ability is one of the strongest ...