Mp/5s is the third stat that any resto druid should look out for. As a resto druid, you will seldom find yourself outside the FSR rule – which means that mp5 (which always works) is a good way to regen mana. The best way to regen mana is in fact MP/5s (but Spirit wins overal...
DruidFF: [Faerie Fire] FFF: [Faerie Fire (Feral)] GoW/GotW/Gift: [Gift of the Wild] HT: [Healing Touch] Inn/Innerv: [Innervate] HotW: [Heart of the Wild] LotP: [Leader of the Pack] MoW/MotW/Mark: [Mark of the Wild] NS: [Nature's Swiftness] OoC: [Omen of Clarity] Resto...
Lveling en DruidJeg har 3 andre nivå 80 Toons men bestemte seg for å rulle en Druid. Da han hets til 80 han vil være viktigste spec som Resto og av spec som balanse (kanskje en tank) Min viktigste Toon er nå en sjaman healer og ganske godt rustet og i ICC til 9 av...
TBC Shaman guide - The Resto shaman is an integral part of any healing team. The shaman’s chain heal ability is one of the strongest ...