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You are also talking about “what is” instead of “what can be” when you said rogues don’t currently spec into x or y. things change as changes occur. its not like a suggestion has to be 100% tightened down to begin discussion. If thats what you require from every post someone ...
Wrath PVP isn’t hard or insurmoutable, it takes time, persistence, and the smallest level of class/spec knowledge. Low skill players can reach glad, I am unsure of where that puts you though. Äpathy: That’s his new peak for LKC. Slight correction “that’s the point where his ca...
Classic Mage Guide Rating: This in-depth Vanilla WoW Mage Guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants, and everything else you will need as an aspiring mage! Talents For 5-man instances and 20-man raids, my preferred spec is the max DPS Fire build: ...
Recently Browsing0 members No registered users viewing this page. Similar Content The War Within, Season of Discovery and Cata Classic Hotfixes, August 7th ByStarym We have another triple entry in the hotfix ledger, as Radiant Echoes gets more improvements in retail, while Season of Discovery and...
WoW Cataclysm Classic will begin life on Patch 4.3.4, a time when the Fire Mage was considered the strongest DPS class and spec of the entire expansion. With utterly devastating single-target and AOE damage, coupled with its utility, the Fire Mage reigns supreme over all others. ...
We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point. All Keys 95th percentile DPS The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. ...
Broker_LootSpec by Timmeh. Simple loot specialisation display broker/LDB with specialisation selection in its tooltip. Broker_LootType by lloydbates. Displays information about the current loot method, the quality threshold and provides access to changing both. ...
EventHorizon displays all of your class/spec's rotational abilities on a common time scale.This means that instead of seeing a regular percentage-based timer bar, EH shows you exactly what is happening in relation to everything else.If that sounds complicated at all, just look at the screensh...
DrDamage is currently being developed for 5.x. Only monks (of any spec) are not supported. All classes which existed prior to Mists are supported. Current state:Check the before providing feedback!