!!df Firemaw Human Mage 85 [365 BiS PVP | T2 372 WEAPON] [ENG & TAILOR 525] [2x2 2500+] Min. 1 1 watch_later 1 hr info_outline METAMMO Level 149 156.02USD !!df Benediction Draenei Paladin 85 [352 PROT | 525 JW | 521 ENCHANT] ...
5x MOP CM Pally,Priest,Mage,DK,Hunter, Blizzcon FOS, Big Blizz Bear, Glorious tyranny, Primal victory, WOD CM weapons and much more Zepith Total orders: 4 Member since: 2019 5.0 (3) Instant Delivery $ 1499.00 BUY NOW 7 Best OFFER after s2 WARRIOR 627 ALL bis also Shamy, Dh, Priest...
BiS PvP gear From17$ Delves Boost Fast Delve Run Delves Tiers Unlock Great Vault Progress From1.50$ Gladiator Prestigious title 2400+ 3v3 rating Rare mount From1,025$ The Big G New mount New title FoS achievement From1,745$ Gold Airship Skin ...
If you hit a wall before full BiS, that’s usually your cue to be happy with what you got and play from there. BGers don’t want to be doing arena for PvP gear in the first place. If that’s the case, all arena gear should scale down to the level of BG gear in BGs. Deunan...
Mage Guide Patch: 1.12 Author:Royalcoil Popular Addons CATA TBC Wrath Questie Downloads 233329 Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) (CATA Classic) Downloads 113471 Bagnon Downloads 99696 Details! Damage Meter (Wotlk) Downloads 97238 AtlasLootClassic Downloads 87453 ...
You could just remove debuff limit and they are arguably top 3 until fire mage comes into the picture during AQ. Jfc, I can’t, you guys literally do not even know the bare minimum rules of the game, you don’t understand the game you are playing, how can you make suggestions to ...
Arîes 112 posts 45 Night Elf Mage 8810 1 Aug 2024 I have to agree. While i don’t actually mind getting to MoP faster personally, I think one year for Cata is too fast for casual/new people to not feel rushed. But on the flip side, i think two years in Cata would probably ...
I have very established Cata toons that were rolled on Day One of classic back in ‘19, and I’ve actually had fun on my first SoD toons (just rolled a week ago, so super behind but w/e). I also love era and left a mage there at 60. I love having options, but I’m not ...
Cata is a great example, the mentality was “Bring the player, not the class.” And yet you see a high representation of the top classes or “best” in content while those who aren’t “The best” in lower representation. It very much is a trend that is relevant across all versions ...
Don’t get me wrong, im aware rogues are not considered bis melee anymore like they were in vanilla, but rogues still bring plenty to the table, especially in dungeons. Warriors are nice for off tanking (assuming they even have the gear to withstand it), but rogues bring decent damage, ...