By Dillan|June 03, 2024 The Best WoW Classic Cata Mounts Getting the expansion’s rarest mounts will give you a ton of prestige in the server, as some of them are quite difficult to obtain. Whether they […] By Karl|May 23, 2024...
Fury Warrior Fury Warriors suffer many of the same problems that Arms Warriors had in Cataclysm, except worse. There are two core issues I'd like to focus on for the spec. The first one was its heavy reliance on proc-based gameplay. Depending on your luck, you could completely smash in ...
Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents) Rage Normalization - Crits no longer generate extra rage We actually are concerned that even with normalization that rage scales too well with gear. Currently on beta, rage generation feels about right ...
PvE: Player vs. Environment PvP: Player vs. Player RAP: Ranged attack power RDF: Random Dungeon Finder Res/Rez: Resurrect/Resurrection RL: Real life RNG: Random Number Generator. Sometimes referred as something "random." RP: Role-play[ing] Spec: Specialization (in a profession or talents) ...
Enhancement Shaman becomes a Dual Wield spec, Stormstrike gets an actually usable mana cost and Lava Lash is added, making it play more like a fury warrior and less like a ret paladin. Feral gains Mangle, giving both cat and bear a debuff to manage and making the spec more involved than...