This very in-depth guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants and everything else you will need as an aspiring mage!
As a fire mage you will want to be using Potent Ember Topaz instead of Reckless Ember Topaz to match yellow sockets, unless you need the haste to reach a breakpoint. Of course, you can use the Epic equivalents if you have the gold. Enchanting: Helm: Arcanum of Hyjal – Requires you ...
Throughout WoW's history, Shadow Priests have always been an extremely strong class spec, and that is no different in Cataclysm. Shadow Priests during Cata have a tool for every job, and it is this insane versatility, coupled with their high damage in every scenario, that puts the class on...
Fan Central Current Pagestranscludedonto the current version of this page: Template:Abilitytip(view source) Template:Bc-inline(view source) Template:Bfa-inline(view source) Template:Cata-inline(view source) Template:Class(view source) (protected) ...
I focus on PvE and I’m currently maining a mage (Taos-Cho’gall) for the good of my guild’s mythic raid (currently 7/9M) but I’m typically a melee player. I’ve been a raid leader in the past but I’m currently enjoying just being a raider. Besides Frost Mage I’ve mained...
Our main problem was which way to go… though since two of the paths in the instance kicked you back to the first intersection, it seemed likely that the middle path was the way forward. That involved a jellyfish elevator which I had vague memories of from back in the day. ...
Making the rules work differently in [[PvP]] and [[PvE]] isn't a solution we like to use often, but in this case we think it fixes the issue cleanly, while still making the talents in question useful to the character who takes them. Alternatives, such as nerfing the amount returned ...
Shaman Guide Patch: 3.3.5 Author:Virpyre79 Introduction This guide is for an Elemental Shaman in PvE, a lot people think that Elemental Shamans are underpowered for Wrath of the Lich King. The guide is pretty much information gathered from across the web, to help players get the most out ...
Wrist:1 Agi or 4 mana / 5 sec – (pros go 1 agil) – 9 Stam is PvP, this is PvE guide – pls no tears. Hands:15 Agi Legs:ZG idol / 8 agi Boots:7 Agi on DPS boots – MINOR SPEED ON KITE BOOTS Weapons:15 Agi on each / 25 agi for 2 hand ...
Rogue Guide Patch: 1.12 Author: Oto - Nostalrius Guide Navigation Races Talent Builds PVE Rotation Step 1: Check your buffs Step 2: Opener Step 3: building CPs and using Finishing Moves Step 4: The DPS Cycle Step 5: Movement in Fights Step 6: How to use Cooldowns Cooldowns Debuff Slots...