Mage Ignite damage will no longer be counted double toward Combustion. Refreshed Ignite that now has 3 ticks over 6 seconds will do the same amount of damage on each tick. Ignite spread by Impact and Fire Blast will no longer have a missing 2nd or 3rd tick that adds damage to future ...
This very in-depth guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants and everything else you will need as an aspiring mage!
Fire Mage WoW Cataclysm Classic will begin life on Patch 4.3.4, a time when the Fire Mage was considered the strongest DPS class and spec of the entire expansion. With utterly devastating single-target and AOE damage, coupled with its utility, the Fire Mage reigns supreme over all others. ...
Thought so, was distracted by the empty utility and damage talents plus staff. Was wondering if I was off based focusing on the cloak, glad to know it’s just more to add to the dumpster fire. Äpathy: And no Wardens really aren’t a thing either. Wouldn’t hate it if they were ...
Cata was always known for the xpac that was the most alt friendly and blizzard made that even more so when they removed the weekly cap of 1650 valor back in june. Also firelands is probably at least 10 weeks away the launch of firelands will not interfere with the launches of war withi...
Sure some of the Andy left for SoD… but must still just do the era. TBC was the only expansion that divided that community some and then most of them were right back to Era after they killed Illidan. But Sunwell was never for them… the pre patch with DKs and new talents? Never fo...
Sure some of the Andy left for SoD… but must still just do the era. TBC was the only expansion that divided that community some and then most of them were right back to Era after they killed Illidan. But Sunwell was never for them… the pre patch with DKs and new talents? Never fo...
You could just remove debuff limit and they are arguably top 3 until fire mage comes into the picture during AQ. Jfc, I can’t, you guys literally do not even know the bare minimum rules of the game, you don’t understand the game you are playing, how can you make suggestions to ...
by watchout. Calculates the actual stats you will gain when you equip an item, taking your talents and current shapeshift form into account. Dungeon Finder Bang by natch. Unmutes sound (if muted) and plays a sound when the Dungeon Finder accept window pops up, even when in the background...
Let’s be real… the expansion is basically over once the last raid releases. FL comes out October and DS in January. Cata released in May. I just resubbed to classic. Took some time off after WOTLK. I rerolled and am…