Wrath of Air Totem is the totem you benefit of the most, however if no Frost Death Knight/Enhancement Shaman is present in the raid, then Windfury Totem is better for the raid, this all depends on the composition of Melee/Casters. Earth This totem is based on what your raid is needs....
Shaman Shaman addons make totem management and tracking their duration a breeze, letting you focus on supporting your team. They also improve your ability to manage cooldowns and monitor resource usage in both healing and damage roles. Classic Aura Durations; Weak Auras 2; Clique; (Heal) VuhDo...
ret priest holy shadow rogue assassination combat shaman resto elemental warlock warrior fury prot pre-raid bis gear list death knight dps death knight tank death knight druid feral dps druid feral tank druid resto/balance druid hunter mage paladin prot paladin holy paladin ret paladin priest rogue...