Warden Druid is the offtank role for Druids. It requires majority talent points in the Feral talent tree and in BT/Hyjal/ZA it requires you to complete the Warden damage taken requirements found in theTank Damage Taken Requirements Spreadsheet. SSC/TK/Kara/Gruul/Mag on the other hand goes ...
WotLK ain't even tested yet as we wait in Cata for MoP to drop. Retail NameClassTypeDevStatus shaman Shaman test Used for testing lol WotLK NameClassTypeDevStatus N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Classic Era NameClassTypeDevStatus druid Druid SoD 25 ferib 🟢 Balance SoD hunter Hunter 🔴 ...
Feral Druid When Feral Druids were reworked in Wrath of the Lich King, they were an absurdly overpowered DPS class with very high sustain damage and extreme burst damage. It was a very easy class to play and deal a lot of damage with. Unfortunately for the spec, Cataclysm introduced a nu...
WoW Classic, which wrapped upWrath of the Lich Kingthen launched intoCataclysmis next on the list. That kind of faded asCatagot long in the tooth pretty quickly. The year kicked off with a search for something likeValheim… which led us to playValheimagain, kicking off our third run at ...
Is it fair that a mage does the same dps as a druid, when the druid can also tank and heal? The hybrid argument is completely misplaced, a druid can not tank, heal or dps at the same time, if they try it they are awful at them all, they have to specialize, and further at ...
WWII Allusions in the Cata Story? Replies:14 Views: 2,999 mynameisjona 2010-07-16,05:29 PM Race - Class models Replies:0 Views: 622 Serg 2010-07-16,05:23 PM Druid Eclipse UI Replies:0 Views: 781 Shaelynn Snow 2010-07-16,05:23 PM ...
For that matter, Mining and Herbing haven’t counted either, glad we rushed releasing Cata when so many things just don’t work, especially important things.Nachosárbol <Wipe It Up> 14 posts 80 Night Elf Druid 4775 May 24 Kaivax: Hunter Ancient Hysteria from Hunter Core Hound pets has...
Choose the best Cata Classic Account and the seller you want to buy from. Click "Buy Now" and check the agreement box. Add a note to the seller if necessary. Complete the payment using any method available and click "Pay Now".
PROTECTED CancelShapeshiftForm() - Cancels a druid's shapeshift form buff. PROTECTED CancelItemTempEnchantment(weaponHand) - Cancels a temporary weapon enchant on weaponHand (1 for Main hand, 2 for Off hand). GetWeaponEnchantInfo() - Return information about main and offhand weapon enchantments....
Backported Druid EclipseBar but instead of showing power bar, the marker moves with the eclipse's remaining time. Download Github Outfitter Lets you switch between equipment sets easily, works with DBM weaponswitch. Download WotLKAddOns Postal+ Postal offers enhanced mailbox support by providing allo...