He’s one single Priest in a sea of hundreds of thousands of people who have played priests are ARE experiencing major mana issues. Editing in that just because Ixiom isn’t bothered that he has no mana or has to go above and beyond his rotation or break his rotation and then drop ...
55 Blood Elf Death Knight1840 Sep 2024 Nocturnè: I have heard others say how mana hungry it is. Hopefully Blizzard does something to fix that dw they wont. if they do hpriest is also in DESPERATE need of help w/ mp. 1 Reply
My two favorite specs of beast master hunter and disc priest played well for me. I know a lot may not have liked them, but for me, they flowed well and felt very useful in LFR, which was another great addition IMO for people who wanted to do the story raids, but either...