Classic Hunter Guide Rating: Overview and intro. Ok, our job as hunters within raids is ranged DPS (Burst DPS), tranqing, kiting, and using utility with our traps and pets to aid the raid. Contrary to what everyone thinks, hunter DPS is very good provided the hunter is good, and with...
Mages won’t be able to boost and aoe level at the same capacity as you see in Classic. Hunter pets don’t just get dismissed or stand still in raids and Beast Mastery actually becomes the top tier raiding spec while staying bis for leveling. Enhancement Shamans dual wield. Qaenyin-bloods...
Choose the best Cata Classic Account and the seller you want to buy from. Click "Buy Now" and check the agreement box. Add a note to the seller if necessary. Complete the payment using any method available and click "Pay Now".
This would allow such a huge advantage for raiding guilds, PVP and just in general dungeons to have the flexibility for all those specs to have an additional healer or tank. 6. WOW Classic Mastery | Be Bold, go crazy -I have no issues with WOW sessions but I feel this is Blizzard’s...
Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic items. 4.8 WoW Items RatingBased on the total ratings of 582 orders in the past year. Gold Items Accounts Power leveling Game Tools Account Calculator Guides & Tips Player Count Market Price Tracker ...
Best Combat, Raids, and PvP Addons in WoW Classic Fresh BigWigs: Provides timers and alerts for boss mechanics. Choose this or Deadly Boss Mods, not both. Deadly Boss Mods: Similar to BigWigs, it adds timers and alerts for boss mechanics. Use one or the other. HealComm: Shares your in...
With Cataclysm comes soo many Upgrades to the classic game! This Cataclysmic update will add in Goblins & Worgens as well as new Dungeons and Raids! The level cap will be raised to 85 from 80 and so much more! Mounts Pets and Transmogs will now be account wide!
As a hunter, I wish I could summon my 4 other pets and let them loose on him LOL. I know that would be so OP, but way cool! The last attempt was a close one, most of the raid was dead when he died, but a kill is a kill no matter how sloppy it was. Was Vesha still aliv...
With Cataclysm comes soo many Upgrades to the classic game! This Cataclysmic update will add in Goblins & Worgens as well as new Dungeons and Raids! The level cap will be raised to 85 from 80 and so much more! Mounts Pets and Transmogs will now be account wide! New Dungeon Difficulty ...
things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic ...