Choose the best Cata Classic Account and the seller you want to buy from. Click "Buy Now" and check the agreement box. Add a note to the seller if necessary. Complete the payment using any method available and click "Pay Now".
It very much is a trend that is relevant across all versions of Classic. You don’t think Cata raids don’t have a large influx of only the highest DPS classes? Massive Unholy DK and Survival hunter representation? Best tanks? Druids and Blood DK dominating the ladder? Argorwal <Synergy...
All of which explains why I have been slacking off a bit on theCataclysm Classicfront. We still have another six months of this. While there are still dungeons to be done, the group does that one afternoon a week at most. So I have felt free to wander off to other things. This entr...
[Cata] looking for raiding guild 12:30-5:00AM eastern 0 53 May 10, 2024 Alliance Romulus guilds? 0 62 May 9, 2024 [H] [Cata] [Whitemane] [25H] Survival hunter looking for 25 man 0 69 May 9, 2024 [A] Benediction - 10 Man Heroic Group LF Blood DK 0 83 May 8, 202...
Updates the current value of the Blood Shield. It provides both an absolute value and a percent of the remaining shield value. With stacking Blood Shields, the maximum and percent values are less useful but it might be interesting for some people so I left that option. The current value is...
things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic ...
I am not sure you can purge rmt but the people who love rmt will love cata because cata’s heroic raids will probably mean buying carries. Honestly I cannot see going into cata with the knowledge that the mops are going to fight hard for mop classic the second deadwing destroys all the...
10163 posts 16 Night Elf Druid40 1 Jun 2023 Hoofers: Sure, I agree there could be conflict of interest. however, I don’t think it’s blizzards agenda to propagate this addon or monetize from it. Euphorazine: Kastayoni<Stern Outback Steakhouse> ...
Do not be fooled by the 12 million number posted, that’s realistically the Cata pre-patch anticipation, I know because I was there, and many of my friends who had quit mid Wrath came back August before the Oct Cata pre-patch. This is technically Q3 and it ends in Sep, but the anti...
WoW Classic Horde Leveling Guide Starting Zones (Level 1-12) Undead Orc – Bitsem’s Durotar Starting Zone Guide Troll – Manovan’s Troll Starting Zone Guide Tauren Blood Elf – Snowflake’s Blood Elf Starting Zone Guide Goblin – Jiyambi’s Goblin Starting Zone Guide ...