Auctioneer: Strikes a balance between the simplicity of Auctionator and the depth of TradeSkillMaster. Best WoW Classic Addons And now let’s move on to the most interesting part. As it was said, there are hundreds of different addons for all occasions. The majority of them work together ...
Overall TBC was such an amazing expansion I wouldn’t mind stopping there, but WotLK is second best in my eyes and it would be fitting to have “The Original Trilogy” all have Classic servers. Fitting as all three of these eras still had the old, pre-Cata world. In spite of some of...
TBC Warlock Pre-Raid BIS Guide Important/Easy to get items/enchants Weapon/Wand/Trinket Scryer’s Bloodgem (+hit Trinket) Enchant Gloves-Spell Strike Warpstaff Of Arcanum Star-Heart Lamp Greatsword of Horrid Dreams Nether Core’s Control Rod ...
I mean Druids have always been an unpopular class, even when we are really strong (think Wrath/Cata especially). I get a lot of that is based around power from the Vanilla days but Druid in general just does not appeal to so many folks, regardless of what we can pull off effectively...