We understand this could be a damage reduction in many scenarios and to address this, Insect Swarm now deals Spellstorm (Arcane/Nature) damage so it can now benefit from Lunar Eclipse. This means that when you end up in Lunar Eclipse, you will still be buffing your two core DoTs. We es...
There are a couple of ways to do aoe as a fire mage. Normally, you want to just follow your single target rotation and use Blast Wave to fish for impact procs and spread your dots. You can spread your Living Bomb with impact, which is a more mana efficient way to aoe, or you can...
Arcane Mage Arcane Mages in Cataclysm were known for their extremely high single target DPS through spamming Arcane Blast; a literal single-button rotation. However, the class was also notoriously difficult to play because that DPS came at the cost of needing to manage Mana so that you didn't...
Arcane Power-frost 31/0/20 Winter’s Chill adds a 10% crit chance to all Frost spells from all mages in the raid. It is a must that there is at least 1 mage in your guild who joins the raids with these talents. It is a common procedure that the newcomers in the guild get asked...
The second that other raider had to do literally anything that was not “Stand still and blow your mana bar” (He was an arcane mage), he crumbled like wet paper in the wind. Just absolutely awful. Legit, every raider should have to grind a full honor set. Learn how to move. Learn...
by Arcanefoam. A Heads Up Display Addon that provides 4 sets of bar to display player, target, pet, focus, target of target and/or vehicle health and power, and target range, druid mana when shapeshifted and threat information. DiamondThreatMeter by Mrcoolmods. Complete multi-target threat...
Mage: 20+ into arcane tree give focused casting where critical spell strikes increase your casting speed by 30% for 8 seconds Rogue: 20+ into sub have melee hits return 1-3 energy (scales with hit) Warlock: your your spell crits increase the duration of each of your dots on the target...
const talentsStr = (importJson['talents'] as string) || ''; const glyphsConfig = classGlyphsConfig[charClass]; @@ -524,12 +545,17 @@ export class IndividualAddonImporter<SpecType extends Spec> extends Importer { } } const throwCataError = () => { throw new Error(`WowSims does not...
upgrades to mages, particularly water elemental cd, a functional arcane spec, mage tables, invis and icy veins. upgrades to prot pallies upgrades to druids upgrades to every priest spec the music and sound fx in nearly every tbc zone the story karazhan and black temple the professions...
The largest ones are Arcane Mage, Demonology Warlock, Enhancement Shaman and Feral Druid. Reason being that these were specs that ultimately lacked anything resembling a core rotation but gained one in TBC, and Enhancement also changed from being a 2h-based spec to a DW-based spec. Arcane ...