调整最远视角的命令 /console SET cameraDistanceMaxFactor "500" 这个是完整版,引号中的数字是你自己填的,可以让你的最远视角镜头变的很远
1、技能命令 /cast释放一个或多个技能,可以加入一些条件判断,是最常用的命令。/castsequence依次释放释放数个技能,同样可以加入一些条件判断,常见于所谓的"无脑宏"。/use使用一个物品,可以直接用物品名称也可以用物品栏位置。2、动作命令 /cancelform取消变形 /cancelaura取消状态或增益 /startattac...
ConsoleExec("command") - Execute a console command. DetectWowMouse() - Attempts to detect the world of warcraft MMO mouse. GetBuildInfo() - Returns information about current client build. geterrorhandler() - Returns the currently set error handler. GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus() - Returns the [...
Open the bot in your Telegram and either press /start or write /start command. If everything is OK, the bot will reply with: Create a separate tab in your chat and set its background to solid black for better visual detection, especially if you set the bot detect messagesby text. ...
ConsoleExec("command") - Execute a console command. REMOVED GetDate - Returns date of last (major) patch to World of Warcraft as a string. - Removed in 1.3.0.. GetFramerate() - Returns the current framerate (full precision) GetGameTime - Returns the time in-game. GetLocale() Get...
用鼠标滚轮 如果你没改过滚轮设置的话往前滚就是拉近 反之拉远 如果你的按键设置已经改了那就用键盘上pageup和pagedown来调镜头的远近~~很简单 别慌 呵呵
The /console enable command or launching the game with the WoW.exe -console argument will allow you to open the Console window in-game by pressing the ` or ~ key. Config.wtf[] The Config.wtf file stores settings mostly relevant to game startup, such as gxMaximize for the screen window...
/script LUA-command 用于UI设计者。 /console command 用于一些游戏的内部指令,比如"gxrestart", "reloadui" and "quit". /console 设置名 [新设置] 用于调整游戏设置。2.队长指令/invite [名字] (/inv) 邀请目标玩家到你的队伍里。 /uninvite [名字] (/un) 从你的队伍里移除目标玩家。 /ffa 把掠夺...
KeyCommandNote Delete /stopattack/stopcasting/petfollow --- Insert /cleartarget --- PageDown /follow Only for "AssistFocus" Mode 12. Class Configuration If one of the Property is not explicitly mentioned during the configuration or in the examples, you can assume it uses the default value! Each...
WelcomeHome=AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceConsole-2.0","AceEvent-2.0","AceDB-2.0")--使用Lib库 Welcome:RegisterChatCommand(L["Slash-Commands"], opts) --支持"/"命令 self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED")--登记区域改变事件 self:Print(self.db.profile.message)--聊天框显示 ...