Initially released back in 2007, the expansion focuses on a demonic faction called the Burning Legion. You head to an area called Outland to “flee the fel reavers who roam Hellfire Peninsula, dive deep beneath the swamps of Zangarmarsh to confront what lurks below, and clash with the demoni...
Thus was born Sargeras' unstoppable army: the Burning Legion. On the planet Argus, Sargeras found the army he sought: the eredar, a race of highly intelligent beings with a natural affinity for magic in all its myriad forms. From the ranks of these mighty creatures, Sargeras picked two ...
Burning Crusade would also set the framework for the remaining World of Warcraft expansions by adding entirely new storylines and quests to the game, some of them only being accessible through the new races. This is how the expansion pack got its name, as the “Burning Legion” are an army ...
This expansion aims to take a different path from the Burning Crusade, emphasizing the familiar Azeroth of Vanilla WoW over the cosmic battle with the Burning Legion. While being heavily based on the lore from Warcraft 3 and Vanilla WoW, Mysteries of Azeroth seeks to enhance the game by ...
While expansion names in the past have been relatively cut-and-dry or indicative of what players can expect to see—Legionwas named after its central antagonists, the Burning Legion, whileShadowlandswas named for the realm of existence where it took place, for example—The War Withinis a much...
dan was up to his old tricks again, subverting Azeroth’s order and hoping to bring about its end. It turns out that instead he’s been trying to bring the Burning Legion back to the World of Warcraft. Judging by the latest trailers and details for Blizzard’s next expansion, Legion, ...
Legion - Released in August 2016 Battle for Azeroth (BFA) - Released in August 2018 Shadowlands - Released in November 2020 Example The island expeditions in BFA were awesome Battle for Azeroth WoW expansion Related Slang Categories Online GamingWorld of Warcraft ...
There are a few NPCs in the game that still use the original high elf models from before the Burning Crusade expansion, the Quel'dorei Ghosts, Quel'dorei Magewraiths, Quel'dorei Wraiths and some of the Shadowsworn Ritualist. High elves were widely speculated to have been a playable race...
Ah, The Burning Crusade. Not terrible, but not great either. Ok, it was actually pretty great. It did everything well enough, especially for a team that was still feeling out the boundaries of the “MMO expansion” concept. The Draenai and the Blood Elves — the races released with TBC...
The Burning Crusade expansion raised it to 70. Wrath of the Lich King expansion raised it to 80. Cataclysm expansion raised it to 85. Mists of Pandaria expansion raised it to 90. Warlords of Draenor expansion raised it to 100. Legion expansion raised it to 110. ...