yes blizard say we are going to increase for exemple hunger for blood by 5%. But that just makes it hard to figure out wich rotation too use. instead of spell 'x' does 'y' damage why not make it spell 'x' does 'y%' of bosses health. there fore it makes it easier for 'casuals...
- [Blood Queen's Crimson Choker] 血腥女王菈娜薩爾-25 293 264 - [靜默悼詞護符] 砲艇軍械庫-25-英雄 288 277 - [骯髒鑽石頸飾] 腐臉-10-英雄 283 264 - [骸骨哨兵護符] 瑪洛嘉領主-25-英雄 276 277 - [華爾琪之嚎] 華爾琪雙子-25-英雄 275 258 - [節日之賜] 膿腸-25-英雄 268 26...
Frost Death Knights are a melee DPS specialization that has a simple and friendly play style and offers powerful single-target and AoE damage. Frost DK with huge AOE damage and great survivability, is the easiest specialization to level. Its mechanics are simple and don...
DK: Because intellect makes you smart and I am tired of people saying that DK are stupid > Me: Shinydemon covers his face with his plam. /votekick Originally Posted by Zarleck I've been called a fail for refusing to invite someone purely because his Gearscore was high. Reply With ...
最近再次陷入没活整的困境,巨龙剧情没更新,DK卡池没放全,10.0前夕和炉石佣兵又分去不少精力不过鉴于有吧友想入坑WOW玩一玩,我恩佐斯就斗胆给大家介绍一下正式服与怀旧服的优劣,希望有兴趣的吧友可以来玩一玩。 (有一说一,个人认为隔壁灾兽宝可梦的怀旧服推荐略微有失偏颇,特此为正式服正一正名,大家可以综合起来...
Blood DK - Per row Row 1: Tombstone Row 2: Rapid Decomposition & Consumption (Not necessarily bad talents, just Hemostasis is SO good) Row 3: Fowl Bulwark Row 4: Mark of blood Unholy DK - Per row Row 2: Ebon Fever Row 6: Defile (again, overshadowed by Unholy Pact here) Frost DK ...
When we got it going… almost leaving Ula behind… it brought us up to face the first boss,Lady Naz’jar, whom we dispatched handily due to my hit point buffer and due to the Deadly Boss Mods addon, which tells me when to interrupt the boss to mitigate the worst of her attacks. One...
On PvE servers, players of the opposite faction now have orange names. You can now assign a specialization to an equipment set in the Equipment Manager. The Blood of Sargeras vendor now sells items in multiple amounts (Shift-click). To help prevent accidental clicking, the resurrection option...
Be wary of their heals, primarily bloodworms, which can be killed in a quick AoE, like arcane nova. The Deathknight has very few range spells that deal any significant damage but they can snare/slow you down easily. Frost dk tanks can put you (and some more enemy in close range) into...