黑鸦堡(Black Rook Hold) 黑鸦堡是暗夜精灵贵族科塔勒斯•拉芬克雷斯特(或库尔塔洛斯•拉文凯斯,“Kur'talos Ravencrest”)家族的大本营,这是一座与常见的暗夜精灵风格建筑截然不同的军事要塞。 黑鸦堡的主体由一整座山雕琢而成,而非用砖瓦堆砌起来。黑 鸦堡在小说上古之战三部曲第一部《永恒之井》中首次...
国外媒体日前发布了《魔兽世界》7.0资料片“军团再临”的最新一批截图,曝光了玩家在“黑鸦堡”(Black Rook Hold)地牢可以获得的“领主拉文凯斯金属套装”(Lord Ravencrest Plate Armor)和“维库人盔甲套装”(Vrykul Armor Sets)。 相关资讯请关注:魔兽世界专区 责任编辑:旧城七喜 上一页 1/5 下一页 ...
而且,科瓦迪尔的徽记是一艘大船。 黑鸦堡(Black Rook Hold) 黑鸦堡是暗夜精灵贵族科塔勒斯拉芬克雷斯特(或库尔塔洛斯?拉文凯斯,“Kur'talos Ravencrest”)家族的大本营,这是一座与常见的暗夜精灵风格建筑截然不同的军事要塞。 黑鸦堡的主体由一整座山雕琢而成,而非用砖瓦堆砌起来。黑 鸦堡在小说上古之战三部...
我们还会直面萨维斯,他想把翡翠梦魇释放到我们的世界。我们会进入黑鸦堡(Black Rook Hold)。 ·我们会进入翡翠梦魇,一瞥翡翠梦境。 ·风暴峡湾居住着数千年前离开诺森德的维库人。我们会了解瓦尔基里。 ·我们会在阿苏纳与艾萨拉女王争分夺秒地抢夺此地的创生之柱的控制权。 ·至高岭是至高岭牛头人的家园。我们会拜访...
Black Rook Hold Addressed an issue where Amalgam of Souls can trigger 2 soul burst simultaneously if the last Restless Soul is absorbed at 15% Health. Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond’s Fall Addressed a Blight of Galakrond issue where Blight Seep left behind by a previous enemy will stop...
11,我们会进入黑车堡垒(Black Rook Hold)。12,风暴峡湾居住着数千年前离开诺森德的维库人。我们会了解瓦尔基里。13,至高岭是至高岭牛头人的家园,我们会拜访大地守护者奈萨里奥的巢穴(Neltharion's Lair)。奈辛瓦里也会在这里露面。14,苏莱玛(Suramar)地区会有一支新的精灵族,他们在此居住了10000年,...
She also reconciled with her brother Jarod Shadowsong in Val'sharah's Black Rook Hold where she was captured, and together the two confronted the shades of some of their old friends such as Desdel Stareye although they were unable to recognize them. ...
Salvaging weapons from Black Rook Hold, they quickly amassed a sizeable force of militia, eager to take back Suramar.[25][26] Though Duskwatch agents succeeded in infiltrating the elven camps, they were eventually rooted out and neutralized by the Nightfallen. Elisande's forces made numerous ...
DF S3: Retribution, +22 Blackrook Hold Holy, +21 Iron Docks Protection, Normal Raszageth --- --- --- --- WeakAuras: (DH) Soul Shards (DH) Spirit Bomb bar above Target Health Bar (DH) Demon Spikes yellow shield indicator on Health Bar (DK) Bone Shield Charges (Dk) Blood Plague...
'},--黑心林地 Darkheart Thicket (Legion) [199]= {spell=424153, ins=740, name='黑鸦堡垒', spellName='上古恐惧之路', spellDes='传送到|cff00ccff黑鸦堡垒|r的入口'},--黑鸦堡垒 Black Rook Hold (Legion) [168]= {spell=159901, ins=556, name='永茂林地', spellName='青翠之路', spell...