Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS Hunter BiS Mage BiS Paladin BiS Holy BiS Retribution DPS BiS Prot Tanking BiS Priest BiS Holy BiS Shadow DPS BiS Rogue BiS Sw...
Welcome to our WoW Classic guide for the dark and sinister Shadow Priest! Shadow Priests are pure damage dealers unlike the other two priest specializations, and are unable to even cast healing abilities while using their iconic Shadowform. To fully real
Priest Holy/Disc 2 / 4 Ever wonder if guild communities still exist? Where adult gamers can enjoy a mature, fun environment and still get raid content down efficiently and enjoy everything else world of warcraft has to offer? We strongly believe you can maintain a chill adult atmosphere while...
Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS Hunter BiS Mage BiS Paladin BiS Holy BiS Retribution DPS BiS Prot Tanking BiS Priest BiS Holy BiS Shadow DPS BiS Rogue BiS Sw...
Rage scaling is now static to improve the warrior leveling experience and roughly equal to Molten Core Phase with pre-raid BiS; this also makes warrior less ridiculous yet still BiS DPS. AGI req for 1% Crit now = 29 (same as a rogue) slightly nerfs scaling. This is simple stuff, and ...
Priest Lv.80 2.3k+ IO [KSM] | 618 iLvl | 4 Tier Set | BiS Trinkets | TWW Pathfinder | Fakename Account | Raid & Mythic+ Ready! Smurfast Total orders: 45 Member since: 2022 5.0 (32) Instant Delivery $ 189.00 BUY NOW WoW TWW 4x lvl 80 WITH mounts!
魔兽世界WLK怀旧服牧师BIS装备参考(80级) NFU玩家社区为巫妖王之怒怀旧服玩家提供各职业BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以参考。
魔兽世界怀旧服第六阶段牧师BIS装备参考(60级) NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。 职业
Priest Lv.80 2.3k+ IO [KSM] | 618 iLvl | 4 Tier Set | BiS Trinkets | TWW Pathfinder | Fakename Account | Raid & Mythic+ Ready! Smurfast Total orders: 45 Member since: 2022 5.0 (32) Instant Delivery $ 189.00 BUY NOW WoW TWW 4x lvl 80 WITH mounts!
10 Dec. 2019: Added note about gearing and BiS for Holy and Retribution in PvP. Show moreClassic PvP Guides 1 Hunter PvP Guide 2 Shaman PvP Guide 3 Priest PvP Guide 4 Druid PvP Guide 5 Paladin PvP Guide 6 Warrior PvP Guide 7 Mage PvP Guide 8 Warlock PvP Guide 9 Rogue PvP Guide ...