BOE - Bind on equipped,装备后绑定。 BOP - Bind on Pick up,拾取后绑定。 BG- Battle Ground, 战场。 BRB- Be Right Back.马上回来。 BRT- General Be Right There, 马上就到 。 C Carebear - 喜欢帮助其他玩家攻击怪物,而非在pvp中攻击其他玩家的玩家 Caster - 非“坦克”型角色,如法师。 Cheese -...
Bind - 绑定。WOW中出名的就是灵魂绑定这个概念,装备或者炉石。BoP - Bind on Pickup 拾取绑定。一旦捡取该物品就不能再交易该物品。有时也叫做BoA (Bind on Aquire)BoE - Bind on equip 装备后绑定。在没有装备该物品前可以交易,一旦装备了该物品就不能再与其他玩家交易该物品。BRB - be rig...
The Small Expedition Shovel is now bind-on-pickup. Fixed an issue where some of the early Dragonscale Expedition cosmetics were set to Bind on Account instead of Bind on Pickup. Players can purchase items on alts to unlock them once at least one character has reached the correct Renown Rank...
WoW Classic makes a distinction between Bind-on-Pickup (BoP) and Bind-on-Equip (BoE). While the former is untradable, BoE items have no such restrictions placed on them and are freely tradable to other players, either face-to-face or on the Auction House. This means that one of the ...
These are bind-on-pickup items that you will purchase in the course of the quest chain. Shadowy Potion x3 Sold by Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the northwest corner of Burning Steppes for 6 gold apiece (18 gold total) Xorothian Stardust x1 Sold by Ur'dan west of Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood...
Bind - 绑定。wow中绑定你的灵魂就是指你使用炉石回到的地方。你可以在旅馆指定 BoA - Bind on Aquire 捡起即绑定. 一旦捡起该类物品就不能再交易该物品。如果你不想永久拥有该类物品,就注意不要掠夺该类物品。有时也叫做BoP (bind on pickup) BoE - Bind on equip. 装备后绑定. 在没有装备该类物品前...
Bind - 绑定。wow中绑定你的灵魂就是指你使用炉石回到的地方。就是重生点了 BoA - Bind on Aquire 捡起即绑定. 一旦捡起该类物品就不能再交易该物品。如果你不想永久拥有该类物品,就注意不要掠夺该类物品。有时也叫做BoP (bind on pickup)BoE - Bind on equip. 装备后绑定. 在没有装备该类...
Q: Can I sell the WoW TCG loot on the auction house or sell it to a player for in-game gold if I decide I don't want it? A: Yes and NO. Some of the items are bind on pickup, which means they are bound to you once you redeem the loot code(s). However, much of the new...
All of these items are Bind on Pickup (except [Elune's Candle], which is sold for silver, not Coins of Ancestry.) An engineer who wants all the fireworks schematics will need thirty Coins of Ancestry. A tailor who wants both red festival clothes patterns will need ten Coins of ...
Of particular interest is the Truefaith Vestments which are a Bind on Pickup item crafted using a recipe that drops from Balnazzar in Stratholme. This is a very powerful item that you will not replace for some time, some people choose to drop Tailoring once this item has been crafted. ...