Some specific sets are extremely valuable due to how it is to get them. Acquiring accounts that own these items is a massive win for any potential buyer. Players should note that the different classes will need varying gear, so the best-in-slot (BiS) for each will be quite different. He...
get caught up on what's going on in the world. For instance, a new Paladin could go through various events as Arthas such as the Culling of Stratholme. Once they've learned their class, they can do group content to gear themselves up and progress into all the raids of that expansion....
Nerub’ar Palace Mythic | 623-632 ilvl Gear From € 57 Glory of the Nerub’ar Raider From € 169 WoW Delves Boost From € 2 Glory of the Delver Boost From € 45 Vicious Skyflayer From € 119 Bestsellers Mythic+ Buy 3 Get 1 Free Bundle Boost From € 24 WoW Mythic 0 Dungeons (593...
Even with these buffs we are doing mid as hell dmg, was doing keys yesterday (so with this buff) and struggled to not be outdmged by the DH 21 ilvl under me with like at best vet gear. So please just let us exist please, we’d appreciate it. Sinergy 962 posts 80 Undead Rogue ...
the problem that people have with it is that all the gear from this is "soft capped" at 424 after heavy farm of crests and currency . which in my opinion is ok . tried m+ last night on my fresh pala alt - got it to 386 itlv over last week of cave farm +this weeks event WB...
Until this week, Prot Warrior has been the best tank in Mythic Plus. So, it is worth the S tier, the same as Guardian Druid. It's hard to say which one is the king in the middle of the Season, as people probably don't have their perfect gear yet. Until that point, things can...
We get good enough at these fights, with gear and experience, that this is superfluous. Farm comes along and simply killing the boss loses a lot of interest in many people because it’s often a foregone conclusion with a steady roster. People end up wanting to push their spec to ...
We get good enough at these fights, with gear and experience, that this is superfluous. Farm comes along and simply killing the boss loses a lot of interest in many people because it’s often a foregone conclusion with a steady roster. People end up wanting to push their spec to ...
(farming Azerite Power, bridging the insane gear gaps, RNG legendaries, base legendaries being so expensive that most players are discouraged to farm gold and just swipe their credit cards, and so on, and so forth), and they have became so lengthy that the best way to progress is by ...
This takes about 30 minutes to an hour depending on if you have your maw mount and what class you are as well your gear level. You must clear all of Castle Nathria on mythic. Heroic is likely not necessary. You must get 2400 pvp rating, (Remember, we're talking a...