The 8.1 PTR was updated with the introduction questline for the Battle for Darkshore Warfront on the Horde side. Below, we went through the questline, as well as possible implications for the aftermath of this questline. 测试服开放了8.1中战争前线-黑海岸之战的部落方引导任务线。接下来我们将介绍...
The Priestess of the Moon Felore Moonray and Far Seer Kazragore are now spawned in Ashenvale while the Battle for Ashenvale is inactive, and are available to turn in quest items. Felore Moonray can be found in the inn in Astranaar, and Kazragore can be found in the inn in Splintert...
Quests in Darkshore range from level 10-20. Players arrive in Lor'danel from Rut'theran Village and push southwards into the zone, until the Ashenvale border. Quest chains of note include fighting the wildlife corruption, rescuing the survivors of Auberdine, fighting against the invading ...
After accepting In Darkest Night, we depart for Darkshore, as Tyrande's life is in grave danger. We queue for a scenario located within Darkshore. Shandris Feathermoon says: She intends to evoke the ancient rites... Maiev Shadowsong says: The ritual will kill her! We depart for Darkshore i...
Battle for DarkshoreIn Season 4, you'll be able to play the Heroic version of the Darkshore Warfront. Just like Heroic Stromgarde, you'll need to coordinate with a premade group of 10 to 20 players to win against the relentless forces of the enemy. Victorious players can earn item level...
With how much linen and wool cloth you earn while leveling out in the open world, you’re bound to get enough reagents and materials needed to naturally level up your Tailoring skill. You shouldn’t have to go to the Auction House for any extra materials at first, and you can easily...
Pet Battle:[3-6]Darkshore; [4-6]Ashenvale; [7-9]Northern Stranglethorn; [9-10]The Cape of Stranglethorn; [13-14]Badlands; [14-15]Felwood; [15-16]Un'Goro Crater; [16-17]Silithus Bloated Bloodfeaster—[Undulating Blue Sac]
Darkshore: This zone is also a good choice for leveling, especially due to its spread-out objectives, which can help avoid competition during launch periods. Redridge Mountains: This zone is known for its good grinding spots, with mobs that are relatively easy to kill and provide consistent ex...
Battle for DarkshorePenetrating Shot— Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies in a line 45 yards long in front of the caster, ignoring all armor. Smoke Bomb— Casts a smoke bomb, stunning nearby enemies for 3 sec. Volley— Fires a volley of arrows into the air that will inflict ...
[22] Despite overwhelmingly massive losses on both sides, in the end, the Alliance won both the Battle for Stromgarde and the Battle for Darkshore, essentially returning most of the Arathi Highlands and Darkshore to their sovereign control. It has also made considerable gains in the Eastern ...