/if (UnitCastingInfo("target")) == "恐惧" or (UnitChannelInfo("target"))=="法力吸取"/施放 脚踢 /end 看楼上那些不懂AutoMacro的在喊真欢乐
A good macro is the one you make and tailor to your needs either from scratch or someone else’s macro(s). It takes a while but it’s well worth it in the long run. As your gear changes towards possible soft/hard caps for a stat(s) (if applicable) so will your macro DPS number...
Then paste this on the macro section to whisper a priest with PI - /run SmartFireball("Fireball", false, "Mypriest") or this without PI - /run SmartFireball("Fireball") Auto Frostbolt Use this as your main Frostbolt button, to automatically activate trinkets if available. Willnotshow ...
mz=UnitName("target")EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName("目标"),"目标",3,"/目标 "..mz.." \n/focus [target=focus,noexists][target=focus,dead]\n/stopmacro [noharm]\n/startattack\n/petattack",1)/focus [target=focus,noexists][target=focus,dead]...
1、技能命令 /cast释放一个或多个技能,可以加入一些条件判断,是最常用的命令。/castsequence依次释放释放数个技能,同样可以加入一些条件判断,常见于所谓的"无脑宏"。/use使用一个物品,可以直接用物品名称也可以用物品栏位置。2、动作命令 /cancelform取消变形 /cancelaura取消状态或增益 /...
第一个例:/跟随 /me 悄悄把手伸进%t的口袋!/say %t,我在跟着你,不要回头,不要翻栏杆,不许带我绕远路。否则杀无赦!/施放 真言术:韧(等级 6)此宏非常简单,先选择一个友方目标,点此宏后,玩家会跟随选定的目标并生成一个表情动作,而且提示目标正在跟随他。最后给一个韧作为报答。根据...
/macro(/m) 常用宏及说明 施放法术与物品使用 命令说明举例 /cast施放法术/cast 变形术 /p 我羊了%t!谁打谁扛着哈! /aftercast在某技能后执行一条宏命令/aftercast /p 请队友点门,把懒猪%t揪过来! /cast 召唤仪式 /use使用物品或饰品/use 绿色机械陆行鸟 ...
/cast Auto Shot /script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Hawk(Rank X)"); end 8.C 鹰之守护+瞄准射击 瞄准射击的版本 /script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Hawk(...