A few Zandalari have shown up among the shipwrecked captives in Oceanus Cove in Azsuna. Battle for AzerothThis section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.This section is a lore stub. With the new arising conflict between the two main powers of Azeroth, the Horde has come to ...
Azsuna 10-45 Contested Eye of Azshara instance. WP Highmountain 10-45 Contested Neltharion's Lair instance. WP Suramar 45 Contested Suramar City, The Nighthold instance. WP The Broken Shore 45 Contested Cathedral of Eternal Night and Tomb of Sargeras instances. WP ...
1544 LegionVioletHoldDungeon Assault on Violet Hold Dungeon 6.x / 7.0.3 1545 Artifact-Acquisition-CombatResto Azsuna Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 1547 Artifacts-CombatAcquisitionShip Artifact - Combat - Acquisition Ship 6.x / 7.0.3 1549 ❌ TechTestSeamlessWorldTransitionA Tech Test - Seamless Wo...
Several Nar'thalas magi from Azsuna have traveled to Stormwind and apparently affiliated themselves with the Darnassian elves as well as the Alliance as of the Fourth War, opening portals to the Crumbled Palace of the Court of Farondis. Thelar Moonstrike, another Highborne ghost, also fought ...
When Khadgar's teleport brought them to Azsuna, they saw Argus in the sky above them. Shadows of ArgusThe forces aboard the Vindicaar prepare to assault Argus.In secret, the draenei had been building a new dimensional ship called the Vindicaar to prepare to go to Argus.[58] Velen gathered...
Shandris engaged in combat with the Hatecoil naga in Azsuna. She was assisted by the champions of the Unseen Path.[27] As a member of the Unseen Path, Shandris participated in the defeat of Hakkar the Houndmaster in the Violet Hold.[28] Battle...
;First Assault A Breaking Kul Tiran Will|QID|51589|M|58.44,62.67|Z|Zuldazar|N|From Nathanos Blightcaller.|LVL|120|PRE|52451^51916| C Breaking Kul Tiran Will|QID|51589|M|58.46,62.99|Z|Zuldazar|CHAT|N|Tell Tattersail to sail to Tiragarde Sound.| ...
J On to Azsuna|QID|39718|N|This temporarily ends the order hall guide, you will be sent back here, when you finish Azuna. That guide will auto load when you close this step.|GUIDE|EmmAzsuna| J On to Stormheim|QID|39735|N|This temporarily ends the order hall guide, you will be sent...
Val’Shara, Stormheim, Azsuna, Highmountain, Suramar Artifacts 36 artifacts – one for each specialisation. Each artifact has its own story linked to your class and specialisation. Spend artifact power to unlock traits that empower your weapon and character plus some visual tweaks. Here’s an ...
Well,Clementos11and crew were having a bit of a rough time on Huntsman Altimor Mythic, and even though it was looking to be pretty tight, the kill was surely there. Perhaps it's better to take a look at the actual clip first, and keep in mind the boss has 24.6 million HP. Also,...