Welcome to our WoW Classic guide for the mystical Darkmoone Faire! The Darkmoon Faire lasts for just a week and pops up once a month starting on the first Monday of the month. The entry location alternates between Elwynn Forest near Goldshire and Mulgore
While Velen and other Alliance leaders were at Stormwind City aiding in the planning for the upcoming war, the Horde, having intended to divert the Alliance all along, attacked Ashenvale. As the Argus Campaign had depleted most of their resources, the draenei's contributions to the Alliance ...
While Velen and other Alliance leaders were at Stormwind City aiding in the planning for the upcoming war, the Horde, having intended to divert the Alliance all along, attacked Ashenvale. As the Argus Campaign had depleted most of their resources, the draenei's contributions to the Alliance ...
Ashenvale Hellscream’s Watch, Silverwind Refuge, Splintertree Post, Zoram’gar Outpost Azshara Bilgewater Harbor Desolace Karnum’s Glade, Shadowprey village Durotar Razor Hill Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village, Mudsprocket Felwood Whisperwind Grove Feralas Camp Ataya, Camp Mojache, Ston...
They first appear after Mannoroth spilled his blood into a fountain in Ashenvale and corrupted the surrounding area. The satyrs tried to defend the fountain from the orcs that arrived to consume its energies in order to defeat Cenarius. As a result of this confrontation, this small group of ...
The Mor'shan Rampart, build at the border between the Barrens and Ashenvale.When the orcs under the new Warchief Thrall and Darkspear trolls from Darkspear Islands landed on the Barrens, it saw civilization anew. First, the area was crossed by the Warsong clan led by Grommash Hellscream. ...
The Priestess of the Moon Felore Moonray and Far Seer Kazragore are now spawned in Ashenvale while the Battle for Ashenvale is inactive, and are available to turn in quest items. Felore Moonray can be found in the inn in Astranaar, and Kazragore can be found in the inn in Splinter...
For the EU realm of the same name, see Server:Sylvanas Europe. Sylvanas Windrunner (the Banshee Queen,[1] the Dark Lady,[2] Queen of the Forsaken;[4] nicknamed "Lady Moon" by Alleria)[7] is the former Ranger-General of Silvermoon. She currently serves as
Feathermoon StrongholdThe forces of the Sentinel Army hold back the Horde across all of Kalimdor. While the war continues in Ashenvale and Stonetalon, our forces are also needed here, to protect these remaining wilds and prevent our enemies form gaining further footholds. ...
Realizing that the Horde had deceived them into weakening Ashenvale's defenses, the Alliance leaders coordinated with each other to accommodate as many refugees as possible and to reinforce the Ashenvale warfront. As the War of the Thorns progressed, Anduin became more restless. One sleepless ...