系列 1 雪怪计划! 2 雪怪计划! 3 雪怪计划! 屏幕截图 (1)WowheadWowhead链接链接 雪怪计划!英文名:Are We There, Yeti? 复制 中文代码 英文代码 为永望镇的乌米收集2支完美的雪人角。 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 完美的雪人角 (2)相关地点此任务完整发生于冬泉谷.建议...
机械雪人 任务名:Are We There, Yeti? 任务给予者:Umi Rumplesnicker 等级:53-58 地区:Winterspring 摘要:这是一个系列任务,一共有3个,完成后你将得到一只机械雪人(可战斗宠物)? 投掷小鬼(Sprite Darter) 任务名:Becoming a Parent 任务给予者:Agnar Beastamer 等级:44-48 地区:Hinterlands 摘要:这个任务是一...
摘要:在Tanaris,Feralas和the Hinterlands里的怪物(大多数是人型怪)能随机掉落鸡蛋状的无线电发射器。每个发射器都会在相应的地区里开始一个找到并护送一只迷路的机械小鸡的任务。一旦你找到了所有的小鸡,你就会被传送到藏宝海湾(Booty Bay)来获得一只你自己的机械小鸡。 机械雪人 任务名:Are We There, Yeti? 任...
Accept Trouble in Winterspring, Enraged Wildkin, Are we there, Yeti?, Chillwind Horns and Luck Be With You. Run northwest to Starfall Village and turn in To Winterspring! Accept The Ruins of Kel’Theril. Turn in The Ruins of Kel’theril and Enraged Wildkin, accept follow ups. Continue...
Are We There Yeti? Lewis and Carly cross paths with two other VERY familiar science explorers/podcast hosts while investigating the Arctic mystery of the legendary Yeti! Listen Now What’s Kraken? Carly's quest to write the “Great American Novel” takes her and Lewis to Norway in the 1800...
Most of the Satyr's camps, if not all of them, have no large buildings—most of them are made of small tents and a few firepits. Some encampments are built in the ruins of former Highborne settlements. In some camps there can be found corrupted Moon Wells, sacrificial altars and ...
"We shall see the Legion's end." "Have faith in the light." "Fight well, traveler."DryadTrivia: These are originally from WarCraft III."Hi!" "Ah, the great outdoors!" "Is there trouble?" "What is nature's call?"DwarfGreeting "Hey there!" "Ya got my attention." "How are ya?
Stunted Yeti Sunborne Val'kyr Terky Winterleaf Spriggan Thistlebrush Bud Thistleleaf Adventurer Trapped Stonefiend Treasure Goblin Tylarr Gronnden Unna Void-Scarred Anubisath Whomper Winter's Little Helper Wretched Servant Wyrmy Tunkins Zanj'ir Poker ...
Winterspring: start at Everlook and head south to the Ice Thistle Hills. Make a quick sweep of the yeti cave here and then back out and to the south. Keep going till you get to Owl Wing Thicket and make a small circuit there. Now you can either carry on south into Frostwhisper and...