In Drustvar, the Alliance emissary discovered an ancient power being used by the Heartsbane Coven that drew from a mysterious death realm called Thros. Unknown to them, this was an offshoot of the Emerald Nightmare. Meanwhile, on Zandalar, the artificial Old God G'huun had forged a pact...
A Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm|QID|31284|L|85973|RANK|1|T|Ghostly Pandaren Fisherman|M|46.8,24.6|Z|Valley of the Four Winds|N|Talk to ‘Ghostly Pandaren Fisherman'[64004](possibly beside any lake}.| A Ancient Pandaren Woodcutter|QID|31292|L|86079|RANK|1|T|Ghostly Pandaren Craftsman|M|45...
Long before the pandaren have established their empire on the continent, the Zandalari were allies with the then-ruling mogu and fought the pandaren for a long time. Now that the mists cloaking the continent have disappeared, the warmongering tribe returns to the ancient continent once more.[46...
Fall of Gurubashi is a legend carved in a stone tablet how Min'loth fought an ancient Kraken and the Gurubashi Empire was destroyed afterwards. The Emperor's TombThe Emperor's Tomb is a very short poem or song, which tells the trolls to leave or die. Like most troll lore, it can ...
Recently, the dwarves unearthed a series of ruins that held the key to secrets to their ancient heritage. Driven to discover the truth about his people's fabled origins, the great King Magni Bronzebeard ordered that the dwarves shift their industry from mining and engineering to that of ...
Working together with the organization known as the Tyr's Guard, they used the [Silver Scale] and titan technology to restore their ancient friend in a new titansteel body, allowing the titanic watcher to live again. Tyr is regarded as a dear friend to the Dragon Aspects, who he worked...
Some time thereafter, however, the mogu were struck by the Curse of Flesh, which turned them from stony beings into creatures of flesh and blood. Soon, the mogu fell to infighting, and still, their master said nothing.[15] Long thereafter, during the Age of a Hundred Kings when mogu ...