Alliance PvP vendors Bregg Coppercast and Ingrid Blackingot now have collision boxes. Horde PvP vendors Lieutenant Axelash and Lieutenant Brokefist have moved closer to the road leading into Ashran, and now have collision boxes. Hotfix (2015-01-06): Players now have 60 seconds to accept the...
Alliance PvP vendors Bregg Coppercast and Ingrid Blackingot now have collision boxes. Horde PvP vendors Lieutenant Axelash and Lieutenant Brokefist have moved closer to the road leading into Ashran, and now have collision boxes. Hotfix (2015-01-06): Players now have 60 seconds to accept the...
To turn off this mode of play, Alliance players can visit an Apprentice Watcher in Ironforge (Hall of Explorers) or Darnassus (Moon Temple) and Horde players can visit an Apprentice Watcher in Orgrimmar (near the PvP vendors) or in Undercity (The Apothecarium). Keep in mind that once you...
Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade and Highlord Darion Mograine have joined forces to lead the charge through Icecrown's fortified gates, and both the Horde and Alliance have sacrificed lives- indeed, whole battalions- to get this far. They dare not fail. The Lich King's reign must end....
Alliance Leveling Guide Horde Leveling Guide Hardcore Guide Talent Calculator 1– 60 Grinding Guide Class Leveling Guides Dungeon & Raid Loot Tool Profession Guides Season of Discovery Hotfixes for January 30: Shadows of Doom January 31, 2025 • Luxrah ...
Auction Houses in major cities like Orgrimmar for Horde and Stormwind for Alliance are prime spots for buying top-tier items. Here’s how to make the most out of your purchases: Check item stats: Always compare potential upgrades to your current gear. Look for items that enhance your primary...
Ashran will have a Horde and Alliance fortress on opposite ends of the island, with staging areas behind each base. This area will have vendors, let you duel, and be a place for PvP players to hang out. Each faction's base is fully manned with NPCs that are fighting a b...
PvP status Alliance territory Status Healthy “A strong and sturdy fortress, fit for an empire.” — Explorer's Guild Guide to the Eastern Kingdoms[2]Stormwind City[3] (a.k.a. New Stormwind or simply Stormwind), located north of Elwynn Forest on Azeroth region's northwest coast, is the...
Only Alliance players can be a paladin. Priest –This is the traditional healing class. They use their understanding of holy magic to restore vitality to allies, or forsake it to harness the powers of shadow magic. Rogue –Another close-ranged fighter, but this one focuses on stealth and ...
Starting today, all new accounts will receive 200 Vote Points that will allow them to boost their character to level 80, and receive by in-game mail 5000 gold and 500Emblems of Valorthat can be exchanged for PvP/PvE gear at the Horde and Alliance vendors in Dalaran. Note that portals to...