wow职业和技能等中英文翻译对照 WOW 中英对照表 1.种族(Races) 2.职业(Classes) 联盟: Alliance 德莱尼: Draenei 矮人: Dwarf 侏儒: Gnome 人类: Human 暗夜精灵: Night Elf 狼人: Worgen 部落: Horde 血精灵: Blood Elf 被遗忘者: Forsaken 地精: Goblin 兽人: Orc 牛头人: Tauren 巨魔:Troll 死亡骑士:De...
1.1.1.(Races)(Races)(Races) 2.2.2.(Classes)(Classes)(Classes) 联盟:联盟:联盟:AllianceAllianceAlliance 德莱尼:德莱尼:德莱尼:DraeneiDraeneiDraenei 矮人:矮人:矮人:DwarfDwarfDwarf 侏儒:侏儒:侏儒:GnomeGnomeGnome 人类:人类:人类:HumanHumanHuman
Druid Priest Mage Warrior Warlock The Alliance or Horde? One of the main features since WoW became available to the public is focusing on the two dominant factions: Alliance and Horde. Besides the blue and red color that represents each of those groups, there are more thing to consider: Alli...
2. Races for Druids Given their kinship with nature, only certain races can be Druids and harness the powers of nature. For the Alliance, only Night Elves can play as Druids. For the Horde, only Tauren can. 3. Gearing a Druid Druids can wear either Cloth or Leather armour and can ...
In a time when chaos and uncertainty reign, the Alliance remains steadfast in its determination to bring light to the darkest corners of the world.[1]The Alliance (also called the Grand Alliance)[2][3] is one of two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart...
In a time when chaos and uncertainty reign, the Alliance remains steadfast in its determination to bring light to the darkest corners of the world.[1]The Alliance (also called the Grand Alliance)[2][3] is one of two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart...
Cenarion Circle, Alliance Status Active The Druids of the Claw are a clan[1] of druids charged with the protection of Val'sharah from any that would seek to disrupt the balance of nature.[2] A number of them participated in the Third War and some are found within World of Warcraft wo...
” after sitting in Oribos for the duration of Shadowlands. The Tauren have previously had these issues with their culture being all but assimilated into the Alliance’s races:Legiondismissed the roots of the Sunwalkers’ faith with An’she by turning their (supposedly) most devoted character ...
Since the fallout of the Great Sundering, night elves have become naturalists who strive for cooperation with their surroundings, and are the only Alliance race which can play Druid. This ancient race of tall, wispy, forest-dwellers worships Elune, the moon goddess, and have a penchant for ...
One of the original races for the Alliance, the Dwarves are notable for their Stoneform passive, making them a practical template for tank classes. Their racial bonuses allow them to work well with all classes except Druid. Explorer: You find additional archaeological fragments, and you can surv...