TradeSkillMaster (TSM): A comprehensive addon suite for managing and optimizing your professions, including crafting, auctioning, and inventory management. Information Addons Information addons can greatly enhance your gameplay by providing valuable data and insights. AtlasLoot Enhanced: Offers detailed lo...
AtlasLootClassic: Displays loot tables for all in-game content. A must-have since Classic lacks a Dungeon Journal. Vendor Price: Adds item vendor prices directly to their tooltips for easy reference. Wowhead Client: An addon and application to contribute data to Wowhead’s extensive database. Le...
BuffEnough is a personal buff monitor that answers the simple question 'Am I buff enough?' If you're like me, when a raid leader does a ready check, you go through a mental checklist as you look over your buffs and gear, to make sure that you really are ready. Buffin by fakeh. ...,A World of Warcraft addon that tracks buffs/debuffs you dispel and displays them upon request,mainline,,,True+868470509,FarstaAddon,Ahava/FarstaAddon,,,mainline,1116337,,,True+520597142,GarrisonShuffle,Andols0/G...
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. Download Curseforge DBM Deadly Boss Mods Warmane Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) is a popular addon that assists players in tracking and reacting to the many boss mechanics one might enco...
I mean with the addon enabled, I can NOT STAY IN GROUP AT ALL! I tried the /command, and even tried manually, but the alts ALWAYS dropped group. As soon as I disabled Jamba, they grouped up fine. Example: When I type /inv <alt toon 1> It reads like this in my chat-window: ...
raid chat, and it had the links to the spells used and everything, and I thought that was a pretty nifty ability I didn't know about. He said all he has to do is shift click on a line, like "Bog Lord hits Frank for 305 damage" and it shows up like that in his report ...
MiniPet outputs the current item it will use using LibDataBroker-1.1. Note that clicking on the item in a Broker addon will not activate the item. You must have MiniPet bound to a key to use it in a Broker addon and hide its own button. ...
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Scholars like #1 soup. Merchants like #2 soup. Farmers like #3).\nThe customers will line up. You need to start the soup for the customer, right click on them and then an empty chair to seat them and then when the soup is done, click on it and then the customer.\n Red bellies...