/dr move Locks and unlocks the button frame for moving /dr econf Shows the core engine config window /dr load x Loads the specified rotation name x /dr help Display the list of known commands /dr list List available rotations /dr toggle x Toggles the on/off state of the specified button...
Rolling Raid Addon by Goris. AddOn for loot distrubution used by Optical Illusion. Rotation Builder by Pelerinage, Tylorcaptain. Allows you to create rotations for all classes and specializations. Round3DPortraits by Daedhir. Creates player and target portraits from 3D models using some modified defa...
AddOn/File Name Author Size Downloads Last Updated MaxDps Rotation Helper (11.0.2) Sharji 223Kb 74,536 by Sharji 09-13-24 01:24 AM Hekili Priority Helper (11.0.2) Hekili 2MB 209,678 by Hekili 09-13-24 12:45 AM jChatFilter jadiilelz 232Kb 200 by jadiilelz 09-13-24 12:39...
A continuation of the AddOn Broker_Cashflow. Broker_Elements by gizmo28. An LDB addon that keeps track of how many Motes, Primals, Crystals and Eternal elements you have on you and in the bank. Broker_Everything by EkaterinaR, Hungtar. LDB data broker that includes modules for a bunch ...
As said earlier, every rotation is based on SimulationCraft Action Priority Lists (APL). What this means is it heavily relies on how optimized those APLs are, especially for some talents, items and any specific mechanic/gimmick. Do remember that what the addon tells you is what the robot on...
Boost Your DPS: The Ultimate Rotation Addon Roundup for WoW February 20, 2024 Mastering the Wild: A Guide to Selecting the Top Race for Druid Class in World of Warcraft February 20, 2024 Effortless Restoration: Choosing the WoW Easiest Healer for Your Playstyle ...
I have no use for a "rotation helper" nor any interest in writing one, sorry. If you're not able or willing to learn how to write/modify addon code yourself, why don't you just use another addon? There are plenty of rotation helper addons, if you really need an addon to tell you...
(Words in GREEN are clickable links sending you to the appropriate websites) FIRST AND FOREMOST: Many thanks to: @lutechi for creating and maintaining this website. @TimothyLuke for this amazing Picasso-like Addon. …
It’s making getting geared on my fresh 85 difficult since one of the pet abilities is part of my rotation. I might have to make a macro in the meantime. 1 Like Berc-icecrown July 9, 2024, 2:59am 4 I’ve been having a problem with my 'lock pet bar disappearing for a few ...
The Raider.io in World of Warcraft companion addon is like a dungeon finder copy but on steroids. Instead of just showing a character name, you get a large tooltip alongside which displays the main’s score for the current season and even the per dungeon performance. Curious about their spec...