You might also notice that Droptimizer automatically does not sim items that I already have to save time on the sim. There is also a Socket option. Just like Top Gear, you can choose to add Sockets to the items being simmed so that they are compared more accurately to existing items ...
Belt buckle and Blacksmithing sockets: Artful Vermilion Onyx Enchanting Go for Spirit, if you still need more, otherwise Int and Mastery. There are no head enchants, so ignore that part. Everything in one pic (Click image for a larger view.) Posted by Greg at 12:19 pm Tagged with: Disc...
Seeing how players have to juggle between all different types of currency like Valor and Elemental Overflow to gear up, Blizzard created a unified gearing system for Patch 10.1. In a nutshell, the system is an experiment for the duration of season two and it will use two new currencies—Flig...
Meta sockets Main article: Meta gem Meta sockets are only found on high-level head gear from The Burning Crusade to Mists of Pandaria (currently only in particular varieties of head items). Meta sockets only accept meta gems, and meta gems may only be placed in meta sockets. Prior to pa...
there will be no new power systems added to the game such as sockets . because think about it sockets are just an extra enchanting by another name. Also in legion when you had your artifact weapon that was basically just extra talents added by another name . Blizzard should add no new po...
You can only have one Skillful Illimited Diamond socketed on your character at once, though the rest of your gem sockets should be filled with Keen Neltharite to maximize the amount of Mastery your Evoker has. You should always be eating a Grand Banquet of the Kalu’ak before each ...
This allows you to make a new raid, with existing assets, but also tune the gear to be higher than the existing raids, without making guilds feel like they have to run 3 raids a week. It would also help make the affixes you mentioned work better, as with every fight being in the sa...
proposal: Sockets should make items count 5-10 higher Replies:0 Views: 319 shaunika123 2018-08-17,07:29 PM Can someone explain to me this Azerite gear thing ?«12» Replies:38 Views: 7,259 Kimd 2018-08-17,07:25 PM Tortollans Voice Actor ...
["OptionsCurrentValueTooltip"] = [=[Enable this option to have Pawn show two values for items: the current value, which reflects the current state of an item with the actual gems and enchantments that the item has at the moment, with empty sockets providing no benefit, and the base...
Crafters who choose Jewelcrafting may have a much quicker time getting to Skill 100 than some other Professions. Additionally, Dragonflight’s abundance of possible sockets on gear means that there will probably be a great demand for Gems, which increases the possibility of high profits for those...