Song of the Anvil 铁砧之歌 鐵砧之歌 Sorcerer's Frozen Soul 巫师的冰冻之魂 巫士的冰凍之魂 Soul of the Archmage 大法师之魂 大法師之魂 Spark Frenzy 火花狂乱 狂亂閃光 Speed Up 加速 加速 Spell Lock 法术封锁 法術封鎖 Spell Shock 法术震击 法術震擊 Spellborne 法力降生 由法而生 Spellfire Missiles ...
Instability of the Tirisgarde 提瑞斯秘法会的不安 提里斯護法的易變 Intensity of the Tirisgarde 提瑞斯秘法会的专注 提里斯護法的激化 Invigorating Powder 振奋石粉 振奮粉末 Invisibility 隐形术 隱形 Invisibility 隐形术 隱形術 Ire of the Ascended 晋升者的愤懑 晉升者之怒 It's Cold Outside 寒冰世...
英文:Putricide's Laboratory of Alchemical Horrors and Fun 80—83有争议的团队副本团队副本 中文:晶歌森林 英文:Crystalsong Forest 有争议的诺森德 中文:暗影迷宫 英文:Shadow Labyrinth 67—73有争议的地下城地下城 中文:暮色森林 英文:Duskwood 18—34有争议的东部王国 ...
World of Warcraft Universe Lore Community Fan Central Current IndexNameIndexNameIndexName 1Borean Tundra1Boreanische Tundra 2Crystalsong Forest9Kristallsangwald 3Dalaran2Dalaran 4Dragonblight5Drachenöde 5Grizzly Hills7Grizzlyhügel 6Howling Fjord3Der Heulende Fjord ...
Some Zeppelin and Boat routes have changed since the Cataclysm Expansion (4.0.3a). The map below details the current active routes. Note that the dotted paths refer to one-way single "Event" routes to Vashj'ir. After players initially use these to travel to Vashj'ir, the routes will ...
TOS - Terms Of Service 服务条款。 Train - 火车。引一大群的怪物。 Ty - Thank You 谢谢。 W WS - War song Gulch,战歌峡谷(战场)。 WoW 魔兽世界 或 「哇啊!」 WTA - Want To Auction.等待拍卖 WTB - Wanting to buy,想要购买。 WTF - What the fuk! 怎么回事。(不是文明用语,请甚用!) WTG...
The Temple of Atal’hakkar Blackrock Depths Dire Maul Dire Maul East Dire Maul West Dire Maul North Scholomance Stratholme Stratholme (Undead) Stratholme (Living) List of Dungeon Quests The Temple of Atal’hakkar Quests Blackrock Depths Quests Dungeon Lore Dungeon 2 (Tier 0.5) Set Dungeon...
WoW The War Within Lore The Worldsoul of Azeroth calls for aid using the Radiant Song, calling all heroes to journey deep into the earth. Anduin, Thrall and Alleria Windrunner are the first to answer the call and rally both the Alliance and the Horde to venture underground and find out th...
Ruins - Dominion of the Stonemother (石母的领地)SaltyA - Tanaris (塔纳利斯)SaltyB - Hellfire (地狱火)Title - Reforged (重铸)TL2dungeon - UndeadX1 (亡灵X1)TL2Tavern - Outland Suite (外域)TL2Title - Depths of Vashj'ir (瓦斯琪尔的深渊)Town - Origins (起源)VPass - OrcX1 (兽人X1) ...
BRD– Blackrock Depths, an instance in Searing Gorge, Eastern Kingdoms BRS– Blackrock Spire, an instance in Searing Gorge, Eastern Kingdoms BS– Blacksmith BT– Black Temple, a level 70 raid instance in Shadowmoon Valley, Outland BTW– by the way ...