PREHOSPITAL WOUND PACKING TRAINING AIDS WOUND CUBE™ WOUND SIMULATORS The leading cause of preventable death after an injury is massive bleeding. Our mission is to help people save lives with a state-of-the-art wound packing trainers. The Wound Cube™ did not just raise the standard but adv...
Though this science is still in its infancy, more and more researchersare now devising both low-technology and high-technology (virtual reality) simulators in this fi eld.It is believed that simulator training will eventually translate into better wound care in real patients,though this will be ...
Though this science is still in its infancy, more and more researchers are now devising both low-technology and high-technology (virtual reality) simulators in this field. It is believed that simulator training will eventually translate into better wound care in real patients, though this will ...
presented various simulators to generate stiffness for studying the effects of physical confinement on cell morphology, as well as behavior [86]. Yamada and Sixt defined the stiffness of the cell as a “local” property as opposed to a “bulky” property [87]. The chemical approach (DP3a-2...