Many plants promote the skin's natural repair mechanisms and therefore have a huge potential for therapeutic use in wound care (Maver et al., 2015). The Boraginaceae family includes about 100 genera and 2000 species distributed in temperate and tropical zones (Naz et al., 2006). The main ...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [76] C.E. Hartford, X.W. Wang, V.M. Peterson, C.M. Rodgers, L.L. Ketch Healing characteristics of expanded autografts on wounds covered with homograft and Biobrane temporary wound dressing J. Burn Care Rehabil., 10 (1989), pp. 476-480...
The laboratory animal experiments and protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). SPF SD rats (6 weeks old, male) were purchased from Orient Bio, and handled in UNIST. The rats were randomly ...
Methods In order to assess the trends in quantity and methodological quality of publications as to wound care and breast cancer treatments, we examined relevant pub- lications over the last five decades. Publications in MED- LINE were classified into seven study design categories: (1) guidelines,...
The wounds were then covered by Tegaderm (Transparent Film Dressing Frame Style, 3M Health Care, St Paul, MN, USA). Dressings were changed daily for the first 4 days and then removed. Wounds were measured and photographed daily using Canon PowerShot A470 digital camera. Wound contraction was ...
Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle) 2, 24–29, doi: 10.1089/wound.2011.0326 (2013). 8. Gibbs, S. et al. Epidermal growth factor and keratinocyte growth factor differentially regulate epidermal migration, growth, and differentiation. Wound Repair Regen 8, 192–203 (2000). 9. Gal, P. et al. ...
This test is primarily ordered when a healthcare practitioner suspects that a wound is infected. Some signs and symptoms of an infected wound may include: A wound that is slow to heal Heat, redness and swelling at the site Tenderness at the site ...
caremustbetakentoensurethatanappropriatewound–eitherincisionalorexcisional–is createdandcaredforinordertocarryoutasafeandeffectiveoperationforthesurgicalpatient andhelpensuretheirsuccessfulpostoperativerecovery.Inaccomplishingthistask,several importantfactorsmustbeconsideredbythesurgicalfirstassistant(Price&Smith,2008). ...
Polymeric hydrogels for burn wound care: advanced skin wound dressings and regenerative templates Burns Trauma, 2 (4) (2014), pp. 153-161 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [8] L. Shi, X. Liu, W. Wang, L. Jiang, S. Wang A self-pumping dressing for draining excessive biofluid around...
Moreover, the different postoperative wound care methods, for example daily wound antisepsis, should be studied. It is concluded that high bacterial load of surgical wound on the second postoperative day increases the risk of SSI after lower limb vascular surgery. Conflict of Interest None. Funding...