If you are looking for an easy way to keep kids engaged this summer, try theseSummer Would You Rather Questions.There are 50 summer-themed questions that are easy to do during any summer day. RELATED:100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids Summer Would You Rather Questions There are2 free ...
Would you rather questions for kids can turn dinner time into a fun family event. These free printable would you rather questions will get the whole family laughing and make great activities for kids! MY LATEST VIDEOS What Is Would You Rather? You may have never heard of would you rather. ...
Would You Rather use this set of 31 question cards or eat a can of worms? Would You Rather … ask your students these thought-provoking (and hilarious!) questions or spend hours writing your own questions? It’s a no-brainer! How to Use Printable Would You Rather Question Cards ...
Would you rather questions are great because there are only two answers… Yes and no! In this free worksheet, students ask each other questions on the worksheet. When they find someone with one of the answers, they mark an “X” on their worksheet. As soon as they have three in a row...
These would you rather questions are hard to answer, but are guaranteed to make people smile. 1. Would you rather give up breakfast, lunch, or dinner? You can also discuss whether or not brunch or "linner" are allowable loopholes. Are you willing to skip every meal of any of these? 2...
And here are some space would you rather questions… More printable cards for kids If you have a dinosaur fan on your hands they might love thisfree printable set of dinosaur jokes We have someChristmas themed would you rather questionsto provoke thought and discussion, orChristmas themed jokes...
Fall Would You Rather By: Helen H from Fun All Year Round Fall Would You Rather By: Helen H from Fun All Year Round "This free printable fall would you rather game is a great seasonal activity. Players will answer fall-related questions, where they choose between two options. There are...
The printable contains the following questions: Would you rather: eat ___ or ___? live in ___ or ___? have to ___ or ___? be a ___ or a ___? drink ___
Learn what Hogwarts House you will be sorted into with the help of the Sorting Hat, count down the days until your fantastic Wizarding World of Harry Potter vacation by trimming Dumbledore’s beard and even answer our Harry Potter Would You Rather questions with 3 free Harry Potter printables ...
Disney Would You Rather 8 What you’ll find on the printables:There will be six cards to a sheet with eight sheets for a total of 48 scenarios. You can make it SUPER easy and leave the pages as is. You can cut out the questions to make cards. If you want to get really fancy, ...