每日即兴英文演讲Would you rather live in perpetual winter in the city or in warm 03:17 每日即兴英文演讲 - Would you rather live in a perpetual winter in the city or warm 03:27 每日即兴英文演讲Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste 03:58 每日即兴英文演讲 When you fin...
A party or conversation game, “Would You Rather” poses a list of questions starting with “would you rather”. You can choose between two good options like “Would you rather have the power of invisibility or flight”, or it can be two bad options like “Would you rather sleep with yo...
The only rule to Would You Rather is that you have to give two alternatives in the question for the others to choose from. While this rule is quite broad, it can be quite difficult to actually create quality Would You Rather questions. While it's not part of the rules, you can tell ...
We analysed thousands of “Would you rather?” questions and put together a top 50 list of the hardest (and funniest) questions that will make you reeeeally think. This post will be extremely useful for those who are bored out of their mind or are currently taking a dump with phone in ...
Deep Would You Rather Questions Would You Rather: Continue with your current life or Start your life over again? Be a king 1,000 years ago or Be an average citizen today? Have 3 really bad years followed by the best year of your life ...
A dedicated website for the best would you rather questions on the internet. It contains over a thousand Good, Funny, Dirty, Gross, Hard, and Crazy Would You Rather Questions Suitable For Anyone.
Presents an assortment of dilemmas, in a series of questions, such as "Would you rather have the ability to ace any test, but only when completely naked or have the ability to be invisible but only while you dance around like an idiot?"David Gomberg...
I submitted a few questions of my own. List of questions I submitted: Would you rather have no cake at a wedding or wear an ugly dress at a wedding? Would you rather is super fun when BOTH answers have a downside. Would you rather have Tom Stoltman’s strength or have Diana ...
Would you rather questions: Sometimes in life you trapped in a situation where you have to choose between two choices. And adding to the difficulty is the condition that you do not want to miss even one of them. Eventually when you end up choosing one of them still you regret for not ...
Who hasn’t played “Would You Rather?” The question-and-answer game for people of all ages asks players choose between two impossible and sometimes hilarious situations. Whether the questions are easy or tough, there’s always an opportunity to get to know your family and friends better. ...