Question: Would you rather be Donald Trump or Melania Trump for a moth? Answer:I’d ratherbe Melania TrumpthanD. Trump because… 6. Writing: if they land on a square with thequestion gif,students will need to write a “would you rather” question for the teacher. Yes. You have to an...
As soon as they have three in a row, they have finished that game board. After you finish both game boards, you’re the champion of tic-tac-toe. Would You Rather Questions Examples Would you rather swim with dolphins or sharks? Would you rather be very smart or good-looking? Would you...
Strafe: Would you rather win a Major or the Intel Grand Slam? Major! Strafe: AimBotz or Deathmatch? For me I always warm up on aim botz, and I DM only when I want to improve my aim like maybe in the evening. I don’t use DM to warm up that much only before officials maybe...
Students use prompts on a board game to talk about unreal situations in the future. A speaking activity using the second conditional.
If you want more oral practice, you’ll find lots ofwould you ratherquestionshere.Some of them really give me the creeps and would rather not use them. But this is up to you! Related posts:
Online Shakespeare teaches teens all about the English playwright virtually rather than flipping through pages in a classroom.The Homeschool MomandShakespeare Study Guidebreak down the life and works of the poet whileCrash Courseon YouTube offers similar age-appropriate videos, including pre-K instruct...