would you mind doing的回答的考点 分享 1赞托福吧 本杰明papa 致初学托福口语的同学们的一份信 关于托福口语,它应该是按情景分类,告诉你在什么样的场合说什么样的话。口语教材最好是附有相应的文化背景介绍,因为东西方文化差异大,同样的场景, 用中式思维表达很可能会闹笑话。 现在的热销托福口语书,一定在买之前...
where I should be But the truth I fell will be revealed Whenever you're around Every time I see you it just breaks my heart How can I get used to us apart When every time I see you it just breaks my heart I thought in time that you would leave my mind But how can I forget W...
aHello..My name is Joe.. I would love to talk to you. Do you have MSN,skype, QQ? Is easy to chat there and see me. I speak some chinese. Hope to hear from you soon! Joe 你好。我的名字是乔。 我会愿意与您谈话。 您是否有MSN, skype, QQ ? 有容易聊天和看我。 我讲一些汉语。
嫁给我好吗? The sentiment does not know the circumstances of the matter gets up is passionately devoted, you said you want the most beautiful happiness, believed I give you am the most beautiful happiness.Marries well for me?[translate]