Q:iwouldnotlike (to be - being) given instructions.// in the model answer it is (to be) why not (being)? A: You could say being, no problem, in real life But this is a school thing. It's trying to teach you basic principles so that you do well later. ...
西班牙语 (墨西哥) Oh, ok thank you :D 查看翻译 1 like shineshineme1 2月16日 日语 ごめんなさい。私の兄は家にいます。もしくは私の弟は家にいます。です。 Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like shineshineme1 2月16日 日语 「兄」はan older brother,「弟」はa younger brotherとい...
"Can I go with you?" (casual) "is it cool if I go with you?" (casual) How could I say these in Japanese? In the end, I would like to know the most natural way to ask this type of question in Japanese. take9take9 2023年3月2日 ...
@kupa_h Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.
Sounds great!I would just remove the "as me" at the end as it sounds repetitive.-> "If you were me, I think you would do the same thing."Here's another way to say it:-> "You would probably do the same thing if you were in my shoes."@...
30代後半の女性が言いそうな、自然な言い方を教えてください。 what do you say when you compliment someone about their sense of interior or fashion or hairstyle? Please tell me how to say it in a natural way, like a woman in her late 30s would say it. ...
Something like when an American would say “Oh shit!” But not in a vulgar way, just out of surprise. 日本語のネイティブスピーカーが、何かに驚いたり、びっくりしたりしたときによく言う言葉は何ですか? または、たとえば、何かをうっかりこぼしてしまったときなど。
B It's really good. How would you like it? とてもおいしいんだ。焼き具合はどうする? A I'd like my steak medium rare. 私、ステーキはミディアムレアがいいわ。 B Yeah, me too. I like my eggs scrambled ああ、僕もだよ。卵はスクランブルエッグがいいな。
英語だったらI would like to wear to it out.と言うんですけど、日本語では? 查看翻译 Coo35 2018年4月30日 日语 試着してみて 良かったので 着て帰りたいshityakusitemite yokattanode kitekaeritai Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯......