would you rather” game:你宁愿“游戏” 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: http://www.collaborativelearning.org/wouldyourather.pdf“Would you rather” GameThis activity was originally developed by Gillian Blatherwick at Rushey Mead Primary School in the City of Leicester. It is designed to be used with...
高中英语课堂活动would-you-rather-game Wouldyourather……beabletoflyorbeinvisible?Wouldyourather……betalentedatallmusicalinstruments……orbetalentedatallsports?Wouldyourather……forgetwhoyouare…….orforgetwhoeveryoneelseis?Ifyouwon$1billion,wouldyourather……keepitallandshare…orgiveittopeoplewhodon’t...
iPad iPhone Description Unleash the fun with our latest app, bringing the classic 'Would You Rather' game right to your fingertips! Designed for those who love a good challenge, our app spices things up with a FREE Adult Mode, perfect for game nights, parties, or just a lively way to pa...
Would you rather… …forget who you are… …. or forget who everyone else is? If you won $1 billion, would you rather… …keep it all and share none of it… …or give it to people who don’t have much? Would you rather… ...
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《海外直订Would You Rather: A Big Brain Game 你愿意:一个大大脑游戏吗》。最新《海外直订Would You Rather: A Big Brain Game 你愿意:一个大大脑游戏吗》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《海外直
USD 0.99 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Unleash the fun with our latest app, bringing the classic 'Would You Rather' game right to your fingertips! Designed for those who love a good challenge, our app spices things up with a FREE Adult Mode, perfect for game nights, parties, or just...
Would You Rather? The Game游戏简介 Would You Rather Reigns is a game where you have to choose between two difficult scenarios. This trivia game contain many questions, most of them created by our community. Are you ready to make really difficult decisions? This is a continuation of our popul...
Would You Rather? - The Game游戏简介 Would you rather be the richest person ever or be poor and immortal?You have to choose! Not easy, huh?Make your choice and compare your answers with others!With 3 000+ impossible choices Would You Rather isthe funniest game to break the ice at a ...
你愿意吗是一款好玩的益智解谜游戏,游戏中你可以对每一次的事件做出反应,选择自己心底的答案,就会获得不同的游戏结果哦,快来试试吧。 游戏介绍 你愿意吗WouldYouRatherPersonalityGame是一款益智趣味闯关类游戏,关卡内有很多的选择,根据任务的内容或者提示选择争取的选项,合理的判断才才能距离真相越来越近。