staves, andwands. Wands have their own equipment slot and you will always want to have one in addition to your primary weapon. If you are using a weapon other than a staff, you’ll want to use an off-hand with it. For your wand, look for a high DPS number. Your primary weapon ...
As a priest, you can only useclotharmor. Your weapon options aredaggers,one-handed maces,staves, andwands. Wands have their own weapon slot and you will always want to have one in addition to your primary weapon. If you are using a weapon other than a staff, you’ll want to use an...
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength— Sold byDalriain Astranaar, Ashenvale (Alliance) andKulwiain Sunrock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains (Horde) Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil— Sold by Enchanting Supplies vendors next to Enchanting Trainers. ...
Outland now has a Master Inscription trainer in your faction’s respective towns in Hellfire. The Horde have their trainer in Thrallmar and Alliance have theirs in Honor Hold. There is also two trainers in Dalaran, one in the Aldor rise and one in the Scryers tier. ...