Tricks of the Trade at level 75 Poisons Poisons are sold by vendors, often close to your Rogue trainer. You always want to have Poisons active, and while I recommend Instant Poison and Deadly Poison for the vast majority of scenarios, it is also always good to keep a stack of the other...
Lesser Heal & Heal –These two spells are not worth using at level 80. Flash Heal –This is your bread & butter single-target heal. Use this spell to standardly heal people who have taken low-to-moderate amounts of damage and to generate stacks of Serendipity. Prayer of Healing –Useful...
As a Hunter you will learn many tracking spells, more than you can reasonably expect to use in most cases. Most of the time these aren’t very useful for questing, but sometimes they can come in handy. If you have a quest to kill a specific Humanoid enemy, use Track Humanoids, and ...
-Rogue: In the whole game, there is only one class that can leave battle at any time and still move away safely. As with Hunter's Feign Death, Vanish can't be blocked either. You can only fail Vanish if you have a DoT on you or if you mess up the time of incoming spells or ...
Nature Resistancereduces the chance you are hit with Nature spells by 2%. Quicknessreduces the chance you are hit by melee and ranged attacks by 2%. Shadowmeldis an ability that allows you to become stealthed while standing still when used, on a 2-minute cooldown.It can be used in combat...
Shadow Priest is a damage-dealing specialization of the Priest class, which focuses on using shadow magic and damage-over-time spells to afflict and destroy their enemies. 8. Marksmanship Hunter Marksmanship Hunteris a powerful ranged specialization in WotLK Phase 4, which has many advantages over...
Multiple Targets Spell Rotation:All spells sequence are the same as in previous example, but CL is used after LvB, because LvB will give guaranteed Clearcasting stance and less mana drain from CL off course. Algorithm: FS + LvB + CL + 5xLB + LvB + CL + 5xLB.The idea of FS + LvB ...
(Core/Spells): prevent client crash on use spell Neural Needle + ESC chore(Core/Player): remove useless SendQuestComplete fix(DB/Quest): Post-partum Aggression fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul North fix(DB/Waypoint): npc guid 1021 path feat(Docker): add timezone settings to dockerfile...
// Spells which imply a specific Race. const racialSpells: Array<{ id: number, name: string, race: Race }> = [ const racialSpells: Array<{ id: number; name: string; race: Race }> = [ { id: 25046, name: 'Arcane Torrent (Energy)', race: Race.RaceBloodElf }, { id: 28730, ...
Restoration Druid Cooldowns and Support Spells While you will spend most of your time healing, do not forget that as aDruid, one of your core strengths is your versatility.Rebirthis amazing for getting a free do-over on a dead raid member and resets on every boss encounter, whileInnervateca...