1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Combat Rogue 2. Further Enhancements 1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Combat Rogue The overall goal ofCombat Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. ...
1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Assassination Rogue The overall goal of Assassination Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. You can read more about these on our stats page linked below, as well as the ...
Assassination Rogue stat priority is similar to other melee DPS and particularly other Rogue specs, with the small caveat that as we rely more on our poisons, we care a lot about the spell hit cap -- explained below. Stat Priority Hit ratingCap: 237 rati
You will never cap energy outside of the start of the encounter 1 Reply Wackö 1 year ago Hey, im a human rogue and i wonder if i should use de mass talent in combaT ?great guid ty ! 0 Reply CaliCat 1 year ago Wishing this guide showed which talents to choose at each...
Orcs are generally chosen forCombat Roguesin Wrath due to the high abundance of axes in the expansion, and Trolls are arguably even stronger forAssassinationand Subtlety specializations: Orcs utilize theirAxe Specializationracial passive to increase expertise with axes by 5. Since some of the highest...
(I believe that Warmane bosses do not parry atm, which makes Expertise less worth atm, but still 4 expertise ~= 1% of total threat). Cap is at 22 expertise atm. (Should be at 26, might be repaired in the future.) I consider one expertise item to be a must-have on warrior tank....
A cloak like Shawl of Nerubian Silk is only good if it doesn’t let you exceed your Expertise cap. Usually Combat Rogues can only equip one or two items with Expertise because your Expertise limit is too low. Wrist Like most slots, if we can equip a high-level Armor Penetration item, ...
This is a really useful buff. If you have threat problems you can cast this on yourself, just as you start the fight, for a great threat increase for 30 seconds. If you dont have threat issues you can cast it on a Feral Druid, rogue or warrior mainly. They will love you for it....
A cloak like Shawl of Nerubian Silk is only good if it doesn’t let you exceed your Expertise cap. Usually Combat Rogues can only equip one or two items with Expertise because your Expertise limit is too low. Wrist Like most slots, if we can equip a high-level Armor Penetration item, ...
1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Subtlety Rogue The overall goal of Subtlety Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. You can read more about these on our stats page linked below, as well as the relative ...