The following professions do not offer any DPS-increasing benefits and are thus not considered viable for Retribution Paladin in PvE. Herbalism Mining About the Author Pride Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. Most know me as Baranor, the ret paladin guy, but I'm secretly a ...
On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Retribution Paladin in WotLK Classic. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. 1. Stat Priority for Ret Paladins Hit Chance (To cap); Expertise; Strength; Agility Attack Power; Cr...
Welcome to the Shadow Priest DPS PvE guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! There are members of the clergy who show an affinity for a different, corrupting type of magic. These individuals may even occasionally reject the teachings of the
Wotlk Classic B Tier DPS We'll call this tier the “unstable tier”. These specs are going to have a mixed bag in Wrath. Ret and Arms are going to be two very good examples of “late game specs”. Both have a steady start (Ret more so than Arms) but both will come into their ...
Nobody invites BM Hunters to raids in Wrath, so it will be up to you or your raid’s Ret to make use of this invaluable buff — and, a lot of the time, you’ll be the one responsible for it in 10-man raids as well.Intellect buff (does not stack) –Arcane IntellectSince time ...
Just saying I hardly as a ret use BoP on targets and usually it’s just a wipe preventative so reducing its timer doesn’t help all that much, but increasing mobility speed is always better especially when dealing with a lot of raid ground clutter dmg. 3 Reply Silverin Reply to U...
Having said that, you shouldn’t be using expertise gems generally as a ret paladin, so it will be very rare that you get close to 26 expertise without the Glyph anyway! And as usual, use sims to figure out what’s an upgrade, expertise included 0 Reply Gaart 1 year ago In ...
If the piece has agility on it its bonus crit (agi is only for melee and crit rating scales higher than agi) but sense all the stuff out of ulduar has high agi and low AP it sucks for ret. you are better off stacking str, crit, and haste while staying hit/exp capped. Last ...
Unless your a ret pally 0 Reply BrazilianNoob 1 year ago dude, paladine is so broken, so unfar. I’m a completle noob, i creat 10 characts and play at level 30 with every class. but all classes i die in pvp for horde mother fuckers, my paladine is the one who never die...
Most know me as Baranor, the ret paladin guy, but I'm secretly a druid main, don't tell anyone. In my free time I play Switch games, particularly JRPGs. Some day I'll be making my own games and I humbly hope you play those too! Subscribe {} [+] 7 Comments Most Voted ...