Healing Wave (further HW) When it comes to single target healing HW is the way,i also advise to try use it after Riptide. Why? Tidal Waves talent proc, lowers casting time of HW really good,and in my case it goes under .9 sec which is really fast and strong heal. This skill will...
WotLK Druid Guide – Resto (Level 80) Wrath Druid Guide Rating:Hi guys! I have had a lot of requests in and outside the game to finally share some of my druid knowledge with the molten community for some time now. Well I finally got the chance to do so!
Balance Druid / FIRE Mage / Resto ShamanFrost Death KnightDeath Knights had an explosive rise to the top when they were first released in 2008, and many people have very ugly memories of how overpowered they used to be back then. A few nerfs and a fairly substantial talent re-design later...
That pales in comparison to the other new utility-based talent however: Rapture. When your shield is completely used up on any target, you restore some of that target’s resource — twice the amount restored by a Resto Druid’s Revitalize, in fact. The 12 second cooldown and our inherent...