4. Hunter Spec Guides 5. Hunter Arena Compositions 1. Overview Huntersare a solid choice for arena, but open-world PvP is where they truly excel. With the longest range out of any class throughHawk Eye,Huntersare able to kite extremely well while still out-ranging casters.Concussive Shotis...
When it comes to the Alliance there is only one race that can be considered the absolute best choice for the Survival Hunter spec, and that is Night Elf. Night Elves provide very strong racial effects for PvP, possessing both offensive and defensive racial effects. Click a race to see detai...
Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PvP DPS tier list! We will be ranking each DPS spec available for the expansion, as well as explaining each spec's position on the tier list. How the Specs Are Ranked Overall Performance: How stron
So there is definitely a place for a guide to being a good levelling hunter, covering both PvE and PvP, and I believe a good place to begin is with the first talent points… i.e. from 10 up. A very tall order, I know! Reply PingHansen August 3, 2010 at 12:56 pm I hear you!
If you would like to see whereBeast Mastery Hunterss fall in the overall rankings among DPS specs for both PvE and PvP in Wrath Classic, we have created pages dedicated to explaining what classes and specializations are the best of the best through multiple factors. However, ultimately,you sho...
Dis/ Pvp: http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?prie...00000000000000 Share yours or comments on what i should drop or pick up About your Holy PvE Spec: I read somewhere that Twin Disciplines doesn't increase spell damage and healing by 5% but by +5, maybe they just haven't updated it yet...
Hunter and DK, which I explicitly play as DW Frost in PvP. Both are extremely bursty, both have defensives, both survive more than 3 enemy abilities. Yeah it's burstier now, but it's not insta-dead bursty unless one player is undergeared. ty for the reply bro im not ...
EDIT- it seems you can get this buff to stack with true shot aura if you spec out of it and back into it while having a hunter with true shot near by. though this is probably considered an exploit so it is done at your own risk ...
Demon:You’ll learn Summon Succubus and Summon Incubus at level 20, but you shouldcontinue using the Voidwalker for leveling. The Succubus and Incubus have identical abilities and are most useful for PVP. Warlocks get cheap summonable mounts.(Image: Blizzard via HGG / Sarah Arnold) ...
- High demand: Shamans, Boomkin, Combat Rogue, Hunter - Medium demand: any other Ranged DPS - Probably won't find a raid: Warrior, Frost DK 4. - Resto Shaman (since other specs become least wanted). - Retribution paladin (4 paladins needed on certain fights for AM rotation in P4 +...